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  • I actually removed it myself about three months ago. I thought it would be simple, since the main reason I wasn't satisfied with it was that it seemed too close to the surface. Especially compared with the one I did on my middle finger, that one is pretty deep, have to feel around to locate it and it's very sensitive,…
  • I tried to move one of mine a little lower off of the tip of the finger and tried to get it a little deeper as well. I went about it by using piercing needles. I bought a variety pack of all different gauges. I went in from the side first to try to create the "pocket" inserted a needle and sort of wiggled it back and…
  • Digit 3 is all healed up, at least externally. It's definitely got better placement than my first one; I think simply because there's more tissue to implant in the middle finger than the ring finger. It is much, much more sensitive, even though it hasn't been in place as long. Even as I type I can feel the hard drive…
  • I've done two implants now using dermabond. They both healed very quickly. I did one about a month ago and the next two weeks after the first. For the first one, there is barely a scar and my fingerprint has grown back enough to read as normal on a digital fingerprint reader. The 2nd one I did is also completely healed,…
  • I think any idea that starts off trying to one-up nature is bound to fail. You can't out do what billions of years of evolution have designed. Our goal as grinders should be to utilize what it there to augment what's there, not replace it. This is mostly directed at the first few posts.
  • I wonder if graphene, when more widely available would help solve some of these problems. It has many of the benefits of buckyballs and graphite as it is their 2 dimensional form. Whether it would work in and of itself or perhaps as an implantable surface upon which to "write." If so, than even something as complex as a…
  • @ Cassox; regarding your plan for placing a magnet in digit 3, middle finger; I think your hypothesis about fingers enervated by the median nerve making a difference is right on. I just did a placement this past Friday, my 2nd, in the middle finger. I only did my first implant in the ring finger 2 weeks ago from Friday. I…
  • I think your best bet is to go to the site recommended above by geckogut. They sell for about $1 U.S. per magnet. Not sure how much shipping would be, but it's by far the cheapest I've seen magnets on the net. You could probably get 5 for under $20 w shipping. You're actually probably going to be mostly paying for shipping…
  • Has anyone ever considered implanting a magnet in their big toe? I know from a rather horrific workplace injury, where my toe was almost torn in half all the way to the bone, that there are quite a lot of nerves in the big toe. I was thinking that perhaps it would allow for me to pick up on currents running through the…
  • Whether it's spelled correctly or not, I won't be drilling a whole in my head anytime soon. Too many of my friends and family already think I'm crazy and some don't even know that I implanted the magnet into my finger. My mom's a worrier and I wanted to wait until you can't see so much as a scar before telling her I did…
  • Yeah, I tried with the other hand. What makes me thing that there's something to it is that the spider wasn't actually moving; it stayed motionless in it's web, it's the entire web that bounced back and forth, almost as if the spider were weakly magnetic itself w/ the opposite pole pointed to my finger. I certainly didn't…
  • You're totally right. Chalk this up to a combination of sleep deprivation and the fact that while using my laptop that has a touchscreen, I'm constantly accidentally deleting things or typing things out of order, because my cursor is jumping around.What I meant to right is that my placement is directly below,…
  • Mine is directly below, but slightly off center of the periosteum. For multiple fingers, which would you guys suggest? I put one in my left (non-dominant) hand ring finger. Did it almost two weeks ago. Incision was completely closed after one week, no stitches, I went with Dermabond. I think I want to avoid my right hand,…
  • I work in sleep medicine. A lot of these things have been tried. Currently, I know of a researcher that is affiliated NASA working on exactly this problem. The studies are basically isolating people from all zeitgebers, which are external sleep cues, most prominently light, but there are others. He is then looking for the…
  • Thanks! Appreciate the support! My friends have been less than understanding. The term crazy has been tossed around quite a bit; granted this isn't the first eccentric thing I've ever done. The one's that don't think I'm crazy or at least aren't saying it to my face, just want to see the video. Those are more co-workers…
  • Here's an article about someone who did it:http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/160080-man-implants-magnetic-headphones-becomes-music-cyborg
  • I just did mine using 3mm diameter x 1mm thickness. I used a product called dermabond, it's a bit expensive, but worth every penny. I did the procedure 12 hours ago and you can't even see where the incision was.... that might be because it's all black and blue and covered by a clear coating, but it really closed it right…
  • I implanted my magnet this morning. The procedure went very well overall. Some small hiccups in the middle; trouble keeping the magnet in place, but overall I'd say it was very easy. I didn't find it very painful. Took me about a half an hour almost exactly, start to finish. I used a product called dermabond and it worked…
  • I've actually been working as a sleep tech for the last 16 years, so I have quite a bit of experience in biomedical engineering. Where I don't have experience is in building robots, so I'll have to look into the specs for the circuits, etc. but some of the principles are similar to projects I've worked on.
  • The biggest possible problem would be having the signal travel the length of the wire, which would be about 6'. Other than that, it's really already been done by one of Dr. Warwick's grad students, he has a sonar array on his hat going to a wire coil around the finger. That and a video I saw on youtube which showed a box…
  • I think I have all of the equipment on its way to me. I bought a field surgeon's medical kit for the initial incision and manipulation. I also bought a set of anti-static, non-magnetic tools for the actual implanting, this way it won't stick to the tweezers, however I was thinking of trying to insert it on the tip of a…
  • Did anyone use magnets from the link that geckogut recommended? I put an order in; they're very reasonable, particularly when I look on Steve Haworth's site and see one magnet for $100. That's just nuts!! I'm currently getting my equipment together. Ordering what I think I'll need to do the implant. I don't want any…