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  • I'd also made a thread about SEMAX (another nueropeptide) since it's said to release NGF and is a derivative of cerebrosylin.
  • From one mad scientist to another, welcome! The mood here is very lax; that being said there is a small group of doers and a larger group of lurkers with a handful of people in-between. Can't wait to see some of your designs! Maybe I wouldn't be against being a ginnie pig. What are some of your ideas so far? Are you on…
  • I will be arriving in Austin around noon on Friday and got an extra-large room if anyone needs to crash. I'll be going out/exploring the city Friday night if anyone wants to join :)
  • I agree with everyone else in that this is probably the most active site. Longecity.org is a popular forum for nootropics.I recently discovered biopunk.org which is an older and now inactive forum for biotechnology, but I found a few interesting pieces of information/monologues. 
  • My grandfather suffered an accident and had is left eye replaced with a glass one, meaning he was blind out of that eye. I believe he had a metal plate put in to secure it in place. The procedure was probably done mid-90's.
  • Why Cerebrolysin? Have you tried any of its active polypeptides yet? Eg: P21, Selank, Semax?
  • What is the purpose of the Cerebrolysin injections? If it's for increased mental stamina/reaction time, wouldn't one of its active polypeptides such as Semax or P21 be suitable enough?
  • That whisker-mask was interesting. I had a similar idea of using haptic feedback from proximity sensors on a car where the motors/feedback are placed on the back instead of the face. The bionic boot was cool to; it looks like an updated version of something similar I've seen a while ago.
  • @Meanderpaul nootropics cover substances that are known to be safe and improve cognition, so if it is known to be detrimental to cognition, it could be called anti-nootropic.
  • The library makes sense, however could you post your visualization code? I'm a little confused on HR gets read and was hoping to see your loop() function.
  • Semax has shown to increase reaction time. Don't know the exact MOA in which it does so though. 
  • As far as I understand stainless steel is a basic biocompatible material (used for piercings), however, the stainless steel will interfere with the magnetic fields, and furthermore, the coating process would probably damage the magnet. So it's not a viable magnet coating.
  • @meanderpaul Definitely check out sensory deprivation tanks. I've read of repressed memories coming forth while submersed. Its along the lines of meditation.
    in Memory Comment by _mz_o__ January 2016
  • Yes, isolation / sensory deprivation / float tanks are all the same thing. Have you had any experience with them?
  • I definitely agree with you that these states are "triggered" rather than "entered" however I wouldn't necessarily directly attribute a flow-state to a sense of relaxation/safety, but rather a lack of external and/or internal stimuli. For me personally, I find I work best/most creative after I've meditated, or when I'm…
  • Philadelphian here. I've been trying to get a scope for the grinding/biohacking community in the area IRL but haven't made much progress. I have yet to ask anyone at hte There are a few cool hackerspaces in the city but NYC seems to be a little more vibrant in biohacking regards, especially with a hackerspace like…
  • Let us know how it goes!
  • I'll ask around about a spot in Philadelphia since it's a middle ground for us north-east folk. There are a couple decent hackerspaces that might be willing to host. There's also GenSpace in NYC which might be more accommodating.
  • Aw, I'm mad I missed this! When is the next one? 
  • Slightly off-topic, but some of these machines here would be useful if there was a big enough ship or we found a deserted island. http://opensourceecology.org/
  • I'm planning on picking up a RasPi Zero sometime this week since its free with the MagPi magazine. I also began to take a look at your github repo for CyborgNet a few weeks ago since you began to code it in Python. Did you have some time this week to talk about it via IRC or something?
  • I was under the impression that there was a manufacturing problem with the TiN coated magnets. I don't know when they'll stock them again.
  • While MIDI can't go "out of tune", I think what @garethnelsonuk was getting at was to "quantize" the MIDI notes to a certain musical scale (similar to the "Scale" MIDI effect in Ableton Live, if you're familiar). The "guitar" part of your project should just be something that can receive MIDI input; which has been done…
  • Reiterating @garethnelsonuk 's posts, I think that you should work on getting the BCI to start producing melodies and notes before you incorporate a robotic guitar. I'm sure that EEG -> MIDI could have a wide range of musical applications, but I am curious to see what you come up with! I remember reading an article about a…
  • I think it would also help to speak with a piercer who's done a some work. I spoke with Brian Decker regarding magnets and he seems to have done a lot of magnet work.
  • I definitely know where you are coming from in regards to the 8-circuit model; past the 6th-circuit is way too much for me. "Ramblings" accurately describes a lot of ideas from that time-period but interesting perspectives could be gained. When I say act contrary to our physiological or chemical state, I mean that we might…
  • What's interesting to me is the fact that the human biocomputer is originally defined by our DNA source code. All of our brains are arranged in similar fashions (eg: brain structures, chemical pathways), but all biocomputers function differently, Going further off of @glims' point, I agree that the brain is just a complex…
  • Just got an RFID by Brian Decker as well a few weeks ago. I'm based in Philly, but a lone wolf over here AFAIK. Lurking on the forum has been self-motivating me to hit the textbooks so I can give some constructive input.
  • If we are talking about speeding up the nervous system, Semax has been shown to increase response time. It also increases Brain Derived Nuerotrophic Factor (BDNF) which works in with long term memory storage. I wonder what would happen over time if you trained while taking it.
  • Would there be any functional purpose for the rod? Seems interesting.