
This is me trying out the "share" box and button. I just joined today and am getting to know the inner workings of the site. I don't know if this starts a discussion, or if its like posting to my wall on facebook, but there no better way to find out than to push the button and see what happens, right? #LivingDangerously #GamblingMan


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  • @ThomasEgi thank you for some actual numbers and research. This is what I have been asking for. I will have to look over it later as I really have to go. I already disagree with your statement "there simply is no way to make this work with today's tech", which is aside from the fact that ideas should not be limited to only…
  • @Meanderpaul I was not referring to you as uncreative. A nay sayer for sure, but the uncreative comment was reserved for ightden. And now for trybalwolf. Despite your objections, at least you sound intelligent and had actual things to say. Some peoples pride comes only by taking it from others. I feel sorry for them, and…
  • @JohnDoe My idea is not merely for climbing, that was just one example. There are likely thousands of uses for implanted e-mags. It was just one concept. As for the your external battery opinion, I didn't really understand what you were saying because either you mistyped or were a victim of auto correct, which is hilarious…
  • @Zerbula where are these threads you speak of? I'm not finding them when I type electro magnets into the search. I would love to see them though. What should I type in to find them? Like I was saying, the types of electro magnets I would use would be a very basic wire wrapped in another wire design. This way it would stay…
  • @ightden Thats a good idea, and already on the drawing board. Do you need to be mad to be creative? Is that your trigger?
  • Can I block un-creative and negative people from threads I start, or do we just have to scroll past their whining?
  • Also @JohnDoe, for the record I think your writing is just fine and not dickish at all. I understand everything you type. Shit, you are the nicest and most well spoken person ive interacted with on here so far. 
  • Haha. It never ceases to amaze me just how narrow minded those who think they are on the fringes of science really are. Until it becomes reality and peer reviewed, then they are all the sudden experts on the topic. Thats ok. I just wont let you play with mine. :p
  • Saline liquid cooling to offset heat? Could be cooled by a radiator or powered chiller......
  • @JohnDoe ... Yes, I believe it was you who I saw bring this up. Sorry everyone immediately shit all over it. Its a fucking brilliant idea, even if our intentions for its function may differ. I also like your idea about the silicon coated zig zag wire. HEAT, yes...... That is an issue. Fortunately, humans are naturally…
  • ***revision. my idea of the button in the thumb would actually be better placed in between the pinky and the ring finger, allowing the thumb to still have magnets and be able to grip. The pinky would be the only place without a magnet so you could move it freely. 
  • OK. now that we've addressed the public's concerns, does anyone have any info on attempts, or on the long term effects of electricity and electromagnetism on the human body? I am looking at several articles right now but I want to read them thoroughly and check their credibility before posting here. I will be less busy…
  • As I said, many potential problems. I said this in an attempt to avoid a string of nay saying, and instead persuade a string of ideas to overcome said problems. But, since we've come right out the gate boo-ing, let me address some off those issues in a positive manner. @Zerbula... "Space": I'm a meaty guy, I will find…
  • My entire life I've been trying to convince those around me that our integration with technology is the next step in our evolution, only to be met with condescending stares and remarks. It really hindered my creativity. It wasnt until I stopped caring what others (most) thought that my ideas seemed realistic and…