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  • @Ida Exactly what I thought when I first saw it.
  • @Lukas Thanks for posting this link. You rock.
  • Looking forward to seeing what happens with the reboot. If ever this Mumble thing becomes something of interest, I can guarantee a server to host it.
  • @DirectorX I don't know anything about this subject, but I think that the subdermal armor would likely need to be somewhere with a large cushion of muscle beneath it - and the plating itself would probably need to be relatively large - for it to be useful. I see multiple problems with this. * Keeping a large piece of…
    in Polycarbonate Comment by Oak May 2011
  • Looks like a new website has popped up that intends to address this very issue: https://www.opencures.org/. One of the stated goals from an article posted to H+..."Establish a repository of how-to documentation for longevity-enhancing biotechnologies demonstrated on mice in the lab, with sufficient detail and explanation…
  • Okay, I've been contemplating this for a while, and I think I have finally figured out what skills I have that would actually be useful to something like this. * Writing/editing * Some graphic design * Some chemistry (~one year undergrad general chem, still studying) * Some pharmacology (esp. psychopharmacology,…
  • I saw the gearhead in the video that @SovereignBleak posted on Vimeo, so I decided to invest the time in making an improved version of the image. Since the doodle that I posted before, I've learned a few things about using GIMP to draw more or less acceptable images. Could still use improving, but that's the best I can do…
    in Grinder symbol Comment by Oak May 2011
  • @DirectorX and @Unqualified hit it on the head. My first sensation was four days after implantation - a very strong EM field from an electric ice cream maker's motor. I'm just now entering week six after the implantation, and for the first three I was pretty meh about the whole thing. Laptop hard drive was definitely one…
  • @Bmbm873Car keys? Not going to happen without a strong magnet - the kind of strong where you definitely don't want implant it. Nothing but pain will come of such an attempt. I can tell you, it hurts to have a small magnet get tugged by a strong magnet in the wrong way. I don't want to imagine what a magnet of that strength…
  • @Bmbm873 Regarding nerve density, it actually depends on what your goal is. To gain a sort of sensory perception that allows you to feel electromagnetic fields, high nerve density is required due to the very fine, small movements of the magnet. Additionally, the size of safely implantable magnets is small, so the movements…
  • @Ian Hm! A temporary mod is an interesting idea. A test to make sure that the gene is effective at all before making any permanent adjustments seems to be exceptionally prudent. I'd love to see someone come up with a working, practical theory on doing this that could be implemented in a year or two. This mod is one of the…
  • @SovereignBleakTo my knowledge, the only necessary antiseptic would be iodine (povidone iodine, specifically). Aftercare should include some sort of topical antibiotic, but otherwise, the procedure should be good with just that; typical surgical procedures begin with the surgeon thoroughly washing the hands and arms with…
  • @DirectorX Excellent! I look forward to hearing about what comes of this.
  • I can't necessarily call it a success (time will tell), but I just had a magnet implanted into my left ring finger ~1 hour ago. I intend to create a detailed account (with video) of the implantation procedure and aftercare, though that won't be completed for a while. EDIT: I should note that the video part is completed,…
  • My magnets came today as well. I'm still as giddy as a schoolchild! I was surprised to discover how powerful the magnets are. I figured that something so small would be perhaps a quarter as effective as it appears to be. I very much look forward to putting it in my finger; to that end, I will be purchasing supplies…
  • @IanWhew! That makes me feel a bit better. I was starting to worry that I wouldn't get to implant magnets in my body.
  • Is anyone else still waiting for his or her magnets? I live on the West Coast of the USA and the tracking seems to only cover up until customs.
  • I don't have time to make a full post on the subject right now, but I just remembered that there was an experiment conducted where fruit flies were made to reproduce later and later in life, with the end result being fruit flies that had significantly increased lifespans (300% increase, I think). While this specific method…
  • @DirectorX"It would be cool to produce that effect under UV lights and still have normal looking irises in normal light." That it would. Perhaps the tetrachromacy mod would be the best place to start with this - no doubt, gene modding in a very specific location (eyes) would cause some unexpected complications, and it…
    in Eye color mod Comment by Oak March 2011
  • @Fantomex If there's massive nuclear war or numerous major reactor meltdowns, this could be practical. I doubt that such a thing is imminent, personally, but I can see why it would be useful to have plans for such an implant in case said situations occurred. After all, you're not going to want to have to figure it out once…
  • Wouldn't a bio-fluorescent iris disrupt your vision, especially in the dark? I'm thinking of it kind of like having a faintly glowing object right up against your eye - from a distance, the object would appear to be barely bright, but up close, it would seem quite bright relative to the surroundings. Right?
    in Eye color mod Comment by Oak March 2011
  • Perhaps a good place to start would be to clearly define what is and is not acceptable to post due to legal/safety reasons. From there, we could discuss whether or not it would be appropriate to figure out ways to reduce/remove the risk of discussing certain otherwise-off-limits topics. EDIT: Also, @SovereignBleak: Good…
    in Suggestion box Comment by Oak March 2011
  • I don't have the time/skill to make nice digital versions of my ideas, so here's a couple of sketches. I feel that it could use some improvement, but I'm wondering what people think about the direction.
    in Grinder symbol Comment by Oak March 2011
  • @Ffaway@SovereignBleak@Fantomex Forum sites like bluelight.ru and drugsforum.com - both of which are all about discussing drugs - use a method where no one can refer to their own actions or offer direct advice regarding the use of drugs. Instead, a person always refers to a "friend of a friend", or a foaf. "A foaf used…
    in Suggestion box Comment by Oak March 2011
  • "@Fantomex: Maybe just try doing a dry run to see if/how this thing will actually work, maybe install it in your arm or leg first or something?" That sounds like a wise decision.
  • Huh. Yeah, all of that sounds rather reasonable. I thought of another possible concern, though. When I was doing a lot of research on implanting magnets, I'd read that areas around the magnet can get bruised if exposed to too strong of fields for too long due to the magnet pinching and pressing against tissues. I wonder if…
  • I'm afraid that electronics aren't my thing, so I'm not really informed enough to make many valid contributions. That said, it sounds crazy dangerous. Unless you can make the whole thing very small, I'm willing to bet that there's a huge risk of the device being rejected. Additionally, if it's not super small, surgery…
  • For those interested in caloric restriction, here are a couple of good articles on the subject by the New York Times. I'm too lazy to find any scientific publications. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/11/magazine/11Calories-t.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1 http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/31/health/nutrition/31agin.html
  • So I was brainstorming with my partner, and I ended up making something sort of akin to @DirectorX's Vitruvian Man. I should note that the gear is derived from @Jack's image - I hope that's not an issue. The proportions are rather strange in these, and they weren't made in a vector program. I'm not a graphic designer, so I…
    in Grinder symbol Comment by Oak March 2011
  • I just showed @Jack's image to someone who knows almost nothing about biohacking, and his response was that it looks like it could be a symbol for a group of artificers. I mentioned that there's some debate as to whether the hand is saying "stop" or not, and he said the he doesn't get "stop" from it at all. Just thought…
    in Grinder symbol Comment by Oak March 2011