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  • I have no frame of reference for comparison. I obtained my magnet from the first group buy here on biohack.me. Don't remember the size specifications offhand, but I think it is something like a 1mmx3mm disc. As I said, It's really not so much painful as it is startling/intense. I rarely feel any residual pain in my finger…
  • Glad to see this is still alive. I'm really, really curious to read about how it turns out. If it gets high praise after test runs, I might consider it for myself.
  • Like everyone else who has responded, I am not a climber. I don't regularly do anything that would put pressure directly on my magnet. That said, when I do put pressure on the magnet - pretty much always unintentionally - it is painful in a way. It seems to press directly on the nerves, and so I feel an immediate "LET GO!"…
  • Thanks for the video. I recently found my thought-to-be-lost magnets, and I've been contemplating a second, multi-magnet implant. After reading about other people's experiences, it looks like injection is the preferred method - and I'm not particularly eager to do another implantation via incision, as there was more than a…
  • If I can be of any help from the United States, I'd be more than happy to participate.
  • Nope. My partner is stupid busy while out of the country, and he wasn't able to get the Mumble server up before he took off, so my end of it is pretty much on hold until late December (at the earliest). I'll talk to him about it again tomorrow to see if I can get an estimate of how much more time he would need to put into…
  • @MrWizrd Yeah... I was keeping them on this large binder clip that I had on the edge of my desk, and then when I went to grab them one day, I couldn't find the clip. I've since moved out of the place, and I neither found the magnets nor the clip during packing. Your box idea is obviously way better than mine. Then again,…
  • @Ian Just tried to edit the page to do some formatting stuff and it's telling me that it's missing...? Not sure what's going on.
  • I also received excellent service from MrWizrd. I received the magnets promptly, and he was highly communicative during the entire process. Still have one of the magnets I got in my finger to this day. Kinda thinking about getting some more, since I lost every single other one. :(
  • I don't think you'll have to worry about piercing the other side of your finger. Flesh is pretty tough. Needles might go through more easily than a knife, though, so I'm not sure how hard you'll have to press. I imagine fairly hard. Do make sure that you don't start somewhere that will end up with you poking bone, though.…
  • I ended up putting mine in by hand. It was simply too hard to get the magnet off of a magnetic implement while the magnet was inside my finger. @SovereignBleak 's magnets did reject after that procedure, if I recall correctly. I'm not sure why - my procedure was nearly identical (minus the anaesthetic), and rejection was…
  • I think that there are a lot of people who would gladly get magnetic implants... if they knew about them. I've talked to a lot of people (college students and otherwise) about my implant, and only one person had heard of it before. As far as I can tell, knowledge of these implants is mostly relegated to body mod circles…
  • @totemboy814 Good points. Perhaps it a large enough superconductor were used, it might produce something noticeable... maybe? And I don't necessarily think that I am the first person to have tried it out. I've just never heard of anyone doing it before, and I don't think that there's even more than a hundred people with…
  • I'm starting to wonder if I've ever felt a DC field... does anyone know of a common object/whatever that only produces (or uses or whatever - you can tell I know almost nothing about this) DC current in North America (USA)?
  • I can't think of any reason that EM fields would feel different based on the orientation of implanted magnets. I don't know nearly as much as a lot of people on these forums, but if I'm not mistaken, the sensation is caused by the oscillation of the field - and those oscillations are so fast that it would be practically…
  • I thought that vitamins typically don't have a major impact on cognitive function unless there is a deficiency or disorder that is being corrected.
    in Nootropics Comment by Oak October 2011
  • @Jacktheripper I just want to chime in and say that my magnet is parylene-coated and there was never a sign of rejection. Implanted in April (I think?) and not an issue yet.
  • @Unqualified nailed it on the head.
  • Holy crap, that's like a freakin' essay. Sorry about that. tl;dnr It hurts.
  • @ryuzaki_yamada I did not use sugru, myself, so I can offer no suggestions in that way. I imagine that it will make the final implanted object larger than what I used, so take that into account as well. Sterilization of all things is best done with povidone-iodine. This can be purchased at almost any store (often under the…
  • @Unqualified "I've had the thing flip over due to being exposed to a 4-inch long stack of neodyms so powerful that allowing more than single magnets of them to freely attract will cause them to hit so hard the bottom one will shatter." I don't even want to imagine.
  • Cool concept, the nails. It seems like it would be a good introduction of sorts for someone who is considering a full-on subdermal implantation procedure. 
  • @implanted Do you mean to remove the magnet? If so, then definitely not. I've pinched it in rather painful ways, but never anything that made me that to get rid of it. That said, if it appears to have shattered inside my finger, or if I start seeing signs of poisoning from the coating being breached, I'm prepared to cut my…
  • Well, my main recommendation is to not skimp on your tools. I regret my decision to use an art knife for the incision for two reasons. The first is that it hurt. A lot. The second is that it left a scar. Not a particularly big or even noticeable one, but it probably could have been avoided/minimized with an actual scalpel.…
  • The person who helped me is not a professional. This was the individual's first attempt at any form of surgery, though this person is fairly knowledgeable regarding medicine and medical procedure (certified EMT, doing pre-med). We are good friends, so it was not difficult to do any convincing. That probably doesn't help…
  • I would absolutely not recommend doing this, but I used an art knife (similar to a scalpel, but definitely inferior for this purpose). Everything was thoroughly sterilized with povidone-iodine beforehand. I had someone else perform the procedure, and this individual utilized medical gloves. The procedure required two…
  • @LukasUnfortunately, no. Mumble servers are apparently fairly complicated to set up (or so I've been told), so there wasn't enough time to bring it up between when he started and when he had to leave the country. He did do a fair portion of the required work, and he can still work on it remotely, but he doesn't have as…
  • The server administrator (my partner) is currently preparing for a short-term international educational stay, so he's expecting to have it (Mumble) up and running sometime next week.
  • Mumble server is being worked on. Will have more details soon.
  • @Unqualified I figure that the best way to create progress in this area is for everyone to be communicating. I personally do not see the point in what amounts to a collective blog site where we each simply track various projects. Conversation about the subject of grinding - the community, the science, the theory, the…