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  • Thanks for the links everyone, the whole idea seems to be in its infancy. I guess not many people see a need. Still, I think i'll give it a bit of practice. Who knows, maybe it'll come in handy.
  • Has anyone got links to the research the academics did? Specifically, what methods they used to train the sighted subjects. I figure, why not learn this as a skill. Could come in handy, like lip reading.
  • A very interesting website you have there. I will be sure to look into it.
    in Zero State Comment by Firedust June 2011
  • You could go with surface piercings; or dermal anchors; If your tech is small enough. I'm not sure what the upper limit on size is on those things but you could…
  • You'll have to give my imagination a boost here. I get that turning off pain would be useful in say surgery but i'm not sure what other uses there could be.
  • 1. Call me Oliver 2. I was hanging about over at under the pseudonym H+ Guy when some of the posters got together to make this site. It has been nice to see it grow from the very beginning. 3. I don't expect to achieve anything for myself. I just like bouncing ideas off of these lads and…
  • The closest thing I could find was UV tattoos. Not operated by your mind though, just by the use of blacklight. Or maybe this thingy right here is what you mean ? Either way, I don't see you using them to find your way in the dark due to the skins' diffraction.
  • @Unquailified I can't really figure out what's going on with that site. It looks like it hasn't been updated since 2009. They predicted they would go to market in 2010 so I'm guessing they were research for some big company and got removed during the financial crash. A shame seeing as they had prototypes :\.
  • Okay, decision time. This has gone on long enough. Grinder community, cast your votes for the website symbol. Make them count! I vote for @Ida and his most recent contribution. 
  • I don't think anyone has talked about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and keeping at a healthy weight. I know all the tech is shinier and easier but there is definitely something to be said for exercise and keeping off the fat. What is very bad that isn't focused on enough at the minute is the problems caused by these…
  • @Unqualified so my protein and amino acid shakes also help keep my brain up and running full speed? @m1k3y american pilots still fly on amphetamines today. If you need a man to keep going in the sky for 40 hours you really need to give them that extra boost Also i've heard that when you check animals for intelligence its…
  • Okay, that I like. Any objections to this obviously badass and meaningful symbol?
  • Stick a slogan around it. BAM! instant meaning. 'We who strive for something more' or 'strive to feel the invisible', or 'to be better than we were', or 'to be more than we are' or 'to see the whole' or 'to see all that there is' or'me, version 2.0'There are so many possibilities Put it in a foreign language; feel…
  • @Unqualified have you felt sharper at all? faster? had better memory?
  • I don't think anyone would associate the symbol in the middle of Ida's earlier design with the biohazard symbol, but if you cut just a little bit more off it could look great
  • I know very little about nootropics, could someone tell me what differences they noticed when using them?
  • You would trust us with your eyes? You are a braver man than I.
  • Sounds like a great plan to test out what areas are best. Good luck with it.I was thinking slightly above (3-6 cm) where you hitch your belt so it doesn't rub. Abdominal tissues not good for subdermals? Do they get lost in the fat of rounder individuals or something? It might be worth seeing how much the tape hurts when…
  • @Ben Correct me if i'm wrong, but lymphocytes are grown and proliferated from the bone marrow. Is there any kind of way we could isolate the Xanthopterin in areas of higher-concentration of Xanthopterin on the skin so that it doesn't come into contact with the bone marrow. After all, the skin is where we need it to be.…
  • @shiprat definitely a buddy, in case you screw up or pass out from pain. I wouldn't recommend the tweezers; they can scratch the bioproofing on the magnets which lets your body start to rust and break them down. Not what you want.
  • Is there a way to organize a vote? Some sort of poll function on the forum? I would end this discussion with a chosen symbol before it trails off with no decision having been made.
  • I like the ambition of this project. It also has the benefit that you can continue to upgrade functionality with new code without having to do any more operations. Hell, you could even make it both vibrate north as well as give proximity alerts at the same time! whether the brain could decipher it would be very…
  • @Ian Those "willing to endure the "OOO GROSS WTF DIDJOO DO DAT 4 EW EW EW" of society" will of course go through with it. The optive word being endure; I study psychology and the reasons we do what we do in my spare time and as you are well aware, selection to mate is a driving force of many of our actions. If four eyes…
  • @Ian more about the mantis shrimp; they actually have trinocular vision in each eye due to "six parallel rows of highly specialised ommatidia, collectively called the midband, which divides the eye into three regions." so you could get 2-pi field of vision (or close enough) with 2 eyes instead of needing four. I suspect…
  • Instead of chloroplasts, take a look at the natural photovoltaic cells these hornets have. (i'm imagining a hornets morphology has more in common with ours than a plants. I could be wrong)
  • Some extra animal abilities Some bears, including silvertip grizzlies can smell a carcass from 18 miles away and catch your scent up to 48 hours after you have left an area. Pigeons "use tiny magnetic particles in their beaks to sense our planet's magnetic field" Most amazing…
  • Sorry @DirectorX What you have to remember is that the muscles to move your fingers are kept in your forearm. Unless you know of a way to grow a pinky As Well As tendons and muscles that are attached to said pinky as well as the nervous system it would be completely useless. Edit: That there prosthetic on the other hand,…
  • @Jack I see what you mean. I like the look of the top one best, but the bottom one would work best as a tattoo i feel.
  • The top two seem to be optical illusions: the iris gear gets bigger or smaller depending on where you are looking. Which is funny seeing as it's a eye :). I like the top one most. Though i suspect an eye might be a bit of a creepy logo to the uninitiated (Big Brother is watching you!) after all, it is basically saying "we…
  • Just to quote you "As the systemic levels of the agent increase, convulsions can result, followed by respiratory arrest and arrhythmias." respiratory arrest? arrythmias? of the heart? Both of those can kill you so be very, very careful should you decide to go with an injection.