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programming, soldering


  • as is tradition, there wasn't quite enough time to do everything that needed doing at grindfest, hence Lepht missed its flight home because it was getting a literal computer with personal area network installed in its arm (more on this later) and @cyberlass came to the rescue to help rebook and get it back home safe. if…
  • hi! I've had a magnet implant (side of pad on left index finger) for going on four years now, and seriously took up powerlifting as a hobby about a year and a half ago. I concentrate on the three big lifts: deadlift, bench, and squat, and have found that of those, really only the deadlift is negatively affected by my…
  • I enjoy the actionable tasks and lively discussion that come from the project planning <3
  • There are books that describe how to utilize the memory palace technique, so I'd recommend reading some book reviews and picking a good guide, but that's the gist of it.
    in Memory Comment by tekniklr April 2019
  • It's a memory palace - when you want to remember something you imagine storing the memory in a detailed virtual space in your head. Then when you want to recall the memory you return to the same virtual space and there it is. It takes advantage of how sensory stimuli can trigger memories - like if you have a certain…
    in Memory Comment by tekniklr April 2019
  • I'm into the effect but extremely not into the procedure that would grant the effect :shudder:
  • I think the rules are extremely location dependent. In many places, injecting lidocaine into someone else is "practicing medicine", which you aren't allowed to do without a license.
    in Lidocaine Comment by tekniklr April 2019
  • I think this was for November 18, 19, 20 of 2018 But, Grindfest is about a month away (May 3-5, 2019), also in Tehachapi, so this is still relatively timely!
  • Amal posted a video last week about this, explaining how he doesn't believe any magnets currently available are safe for implantation. https://youtu.be/EpVJueHBSLU
  • It's probably a good time to remind people of our Illegal and unwanted implant thread. It sounds like there's probably a lot going on here, and I don't think anyone here is qualified to help you.
  • we don't have any rules about linking to other forums! here's a link to the dangerous things forums
  • Forums have been upgraded to 2.8.1, addressing some medium security vulnerabilities. Also, badges are a thing, now. Also also, we are finally fulfilling our digital Patreon rewards- listing patrons in the Patreon Virtual Wall, and awarding badges for specific pledge levels.
  • What does 100% straight even mean, and why would you want it? Like, would you not be able to tell if someone of your gender is attractive or not?
    in Sexuality Comment by tekniklr March 2019
  • I've just upgraded the forums to Vanilla 2.8. No security emergency this time. Let me know if y'all see anything hinky!
  • I've added a new profile field for you to enter skills, if you want. If you want to add a verbose bio, add an 'Activity' to your profile, and it will appear at the top.
  • We have to be careful about how we word it, because if, like, Amal from Dangerous Things or Alex from Cyberise.me, or even a new person talking about something worthwhile wants to let us know about something they've developed they should be able to. I think that just straight up spamming and spammers can be blocked without…
  • what are you basing "moisture is good" on?
  • I think that biobond coated things need a bit of time for their bond to actually set, so if you are not careful they can migrate before setting. I'd expect that if it's been in the same position for a while now, though, it would have set into this new location?
  • You've created three threads asking this question. Keep it in the one thread: https://forum.biohack.me/index.php?p=/discussion/2497/will-inhibiting-mitf-or-mc1r-lighten-the-skin
  • I think it's very depressing how much of a market for skin lightening there is. But I also remember reading how some people use harsh and dangerous chemicals to try and lighten skin now, and how it's mostly snake oil, so I expect they don't use things that might work better because the hucksters selling them bleach or…
  • jammers will block transmission over the cellular network, but won't stop video recording.
  • The reporters in this case were working undercover so no one knew they were from the BBC. I think people needing to vouch for people might give a false sense of security?. It wouldn't take long for someone to enter the community by making friends with people already in the community, who might not even know what they do…
  • Tongue splitting is a popular body modification and there is no reason it deserves to be shut down. People should be able to do whatever they want to their own bodies (or be able to pay others to do so). Also, the only thing that actually broke any laws was the injection of anasthetic! People in our community do much more…
  • don't feel dumb! not knowing something is the first step to knowing something
  • I don't know if there IS any way to apply to be a moderator, but you're right- there absolutely should be! Right now @BirdMachine and I do all the biohack.me coding and design, which certainly does limit the amount of projects we can take on as we are often both underwater with entirely unrelated projects. I'm sure we'll…
  • Not necessarily. Some people have a genetic disorder that causes fur all over their bodies (source). In a similar way to how some people are born with the myostatin knock-out (source) that we try to get via CRISPR, depending on what causes the fur mutation, that might be a thing we can trigger, too. Once you get into…
  • A bunch of us know the guy in the first article. What he did was get someone to melt away the plastic from the actual transit card, carefully coat the exposed chip like a flexNT, then effectively implant a flexNT. So the original chip wasn't cloned, the original chip was literally extracted then implanted. This is very…
  • I know I was a bit brusque, but let's avoid questioning each other's thinking with phrasing like, "are you even thinking straight".
    in Closed Comment by tekniklr August 2018