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  • I didn't actually use a scalpel in the end, the needle and tweezers were sufficient to create in incision and cavity. I'm a bit overzealous with cleaning so I used anti-septic and anti-viral liquid/spray to clean the area and my hands, and iodine to clean the tools, magnet, and implant finger. I haven't sutured the…
  • Perhaps a blog for the front of the website would help too, for posting interesting news.
  • I like the idea of a weekly irc meetup, it seems like a good way of getting discussion flowing fast and freely. The only problem is a difference of timezones and commitments. Are there polls on the forum? We could get a rough idea of when would be best for everyone, and if they'd want to do it anyway.
  • I don't have any concrete skills at the moment, but I've had some experience in a few fields and I'm pretty quick to pick things up (I always read the manual). * Graphic design, mainly photoshop (haven't used it for a couple of years though) * Web design (HTML, CSS, some PHP, not made anything in a couple of years, again)…
  • 1 - Dan 2 - How did you find out about biohack.me? Hopping around various blogs and websites about DIY bio-hacking, looking for info. 3 - What do you personally hope to achieve for yourself as a result of participation on biohack.me?A little more knowledge about how I work, and what's currently feasible at…
  • I like Oak's too - the gear head fits in with fans of something being called x-heads, and also links to thought and intelligence. Maybe some circuitry could be added to the body to modernise it. Here's my grinder-esque tattoo, although it has a different meaning-
  • 4g (5mm) piercing needlesScalpelAntiseptic - Cetylpyridinium ChlorideAnti-viral sanitizerLatex-free glovesSteri-stripsMicroporous surgical tapeCotton padsCling film I'm looking to get some Iodine tincture and a stainless steel tray to hold sterilized items.
  • I've ordered uncoated magnets from ebay (50 for £6!) but I'd definitely be interested in getting some coated ones and further protecting them with sugru. If you've still got any spare I'd like to grab 10 if I could, I'll PM you my address if you do have any. And be careful with overdrafts! Living in them sucks. EDIT: what…