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  • @tomo you definitely won't be the first to self implant. Quite a few of people who post here have self implanted. I'd recommend you check out @cassox's blog, I'm on mobile so I don't have a link but I believe its called augmentation limitless. Scalpels and the other tools you need are all pretty cheap, I don't think anyone…
  • @jack if you guys want I can give you root on a linode 2gb. I'm paying for one but not using it for anything, and I like so I don't mind paying for it.
  • @amal That sounds super cool. What sort of options are there for commercial sterilization that doesn't affect the magnet strength? Do you guys have a prototype worked up for the installation tool, or just an idea so far?
  • I know virtually nothing about this, but wouldn't adding resistance to our blood flow through our veins be a bad thing? Not to mention the risk of it ripping out, or jamming.
  • @Jack Cool, good to know. Since there has been a lot of interest in people sharing their skills, is there any chance we can get a page where you can submit skills and tools you have, plus a location (engineer with a 3D printer in NYC for example (not me)). Once submitted others can search through a directory to find people…
  • @featherlessBiped I've used the ice method. It doesn't hurt too much. Stings a bit, but it definitely numbs it enough to do. I fill a cup with ice and cold water, let the water cool a little then with your gloved finger you stick it in and hold it on (push a bit) on an ice cube so that you get the full effect. That worked…
  • Haha. Well what happened with me is it pushed its way right under the top layer. Then I removed it since I was worried I would lose it.
  • Hmm. That's what mine looked like before it rejected. Hopefully I'm wrong but it looks exactly like mine did while it pushed its way out.
  • I'm staying away from that drill during the healing process from now on. But yeah that's a better way to ask :P
  • @pkp336 Upload the image to imgur or something? All I see is the text "image" in your post.
  • Can we force all connections over https, and get a valid cert?
  • @sovereignBleak I don't think its too bad of an idea. It would only happen after you register, once you submit the form you're done. I've been a part of a forum that did that before and its not too bad. Just spend a few minutes and read up on the rules and basic knowledge from the wiki.
  • Why not require a new user to check the wiki before they can post any new threads? Set a flag on the account that can be removed by submitting a form on the wiki after registration?
  •  Still stuck at customs?
    in candian eh? Comment by IDPS October 2014
  • Any luck yet drjaaz?
    in candian eh? Comment by IDPS October 2014
  • Curious, do we have an IRC server? If not, is it something you guys would be interested in?
  • Honestly, I like the idea of having a super computer. But I'm not sure I understand what you're actually going to be doing with it. It's not like you can re-write proprietary software, and multi-threading already exists. If I'm totally misunderstanding your plan, please correct me.
  • I wonder if we could more realistically set something like BOINC up for biohack. Assuming we could find a use for it. EDIT: More realistically since 10,000 dollars is quite a bit of money for people to give up with virtually no return for their dollar.
  • My phone won't allow me to type in the threads doe some reason. Here's a message I sent to drjazz. I found a way yo paste in still. In reply to your post in the Canadian thread, can you update that I have (Edmonton Alberta).My phone won't allow me to post in the threads for some reason (the text box keeps closing) you can…
    in candian eh? Comment by IDPS October 2014
  • My kit was similar to @mothball my second time through except for the lidocaine and the suture. I found a surgical pharmacy a couple blocks away from where I live so besides the magnets I can get everything there. Next time I'll definitely pick up the suture kit and probably order some lido as well. Just have to look up…
    in Numbing Comment by IDPS June 2014
  • I've done the ice way twice and if you decide on that make sure you're okay with pain because it's still going to hurt.
    in Numbing Comment by IDPS June 2014
  • What does the lidocaine cost?
  • Yeah, I noticed the same thing with the ice water. It helped for the initial cut into the skin, but after that it didn't seem to do much for cutting a pocket. I'll try getting a number 15 scalpel like you did and see if I can make the pocket better since I should be redoing mine after I get home today. Hopefully you can…
  • Interesting. I won't be waiting a year though :P
  • Well, I want to do is as soon as possible. But I also want it on the same finger. I'm going camping over the weekend, so I'll wait until Sunday to see how the finger is doing. Four days might be enough.. If not I can wait a few more.
  • That's a good point, that's what I figured I just don't want to accept it. I guess I can wait though. I wouldn't want mess up my finger.
  • Aaaand my magnet fell out after I took the bandaid off. I'll be buying the materials I need to implant a new one tomorrow.. is how my finger looks now.. What does everyone think about placement here? I'd like to place it on the same finger still, but I don't want to have to let it heal. I'm…
  • @cassox Thanks for explaining it to me.. I'll probably try to salvage it, although it's looking like it's going to fall out pretty soon. I have a couple more magnets soaking so I'll give it another try, but I'll make a new cut and let this one heal. I'm not sure how long I plan on keeping my magnet in until I switch it out…
  • Yeah, I'm thinking I must have made it too shallow.. We'll see if it heals or not.
  • Just updating about how it looks just before I put a bandaid on for 14 hours.