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  • I don't have the supplies to dig into the ELISA work, but I'd be glad to be on the call regarding coatings! Even if a coating isn't viable for a magnetic implant, it could still be viable for other projects, and we should still document its properties and such. (And if anyone has done research regarding PEDOT:PSS, I'd LOVE…
  • Jut got a post up in the announcements, and while the email they sent claims our domain was not in the breach, I think it will still be wise to do a password reset regardless. I'm not sure if the tool is just checking if it's cloudflare and this breached, or if any of their data matches, but better to be safe than sorry in…
  • Rollover is closer to 2pm PST / 5pm EST. The countdown begins! :D
  • I've already started researching how to get my Piercer's license out here, and I am 1000% in on this :D Cathsach: One of the things I'll need for my license is CRP/AED/First Aid training which the Red Cross offers in a number of cities, might make for a good start with formal training? Also any training involving…
  • Curious what you mean by 'nano implant'. Do you have further details about it? Knowing the general material or components involved will make figuring out a way to detect it much easier. For the magnet in the forehead, I don't really recommend adding more. At least as far as magnets are concerned. The nerve density is not…
  • Honestly, I don't see a videogame representation of fantasy power being an ideal indicator of how the nervous system's gonna respond to sudden boils filled with live insects? I mean, if even a liquid filled blister hurts, I don't have high hopes for insects somehow birthed from subcutaneous human flesh. The lifespan of…
  • That falls on my birthday weekend and I am 1000% ok with getting to personally celebrate another survived rotation around this Sun with quality humans doing quality projects :D need to check with work but I'm almost positive I can work with this.
  • It sounds somewhat like you're crossing definitions between some mushroom species and some parasite species? There are multiple types of parasites that will drive their hosts to suicide to then either recycle their nutrients or continue to spread. In fact, there's one parasitic fungi in particular that has a penchant for…
  • It's not unheard of; I've talked with folks who have been looking into loading their NFC unit with a payload. The target device would need to have 'Non App Store' install permissions available, and there's a few steps to actually kick off the install (at least, last time I tossed an APK on a device I had a few more steps…
  • By Brain reader do you mean an eeg device like the emotive? There are some EEG headsets on the market now that have come down in cost, at least by a little bit. The number of read points will vary but for the sake of basic prototyping and concept building, you should be allright with a very basic unit.
  • I'd say a worst case scenario would be Sepsis or other type of particularly bad infection. Unlikely, but if we're chatting worsts...
  • Going! :D Doubt I'll speak, but I'm keeping an eye out for volunteer options in the Biohacking Village this year (and/or general goon work). Did we compile a list last year of things we wish we brought / accounted for? Oh, and something that came to mind this last weekend. With implant projects and ideas getting more and…
  • Nice find! There's been a bunch of updates over a short period of time, terribly sorry about the ah lack of organized info. Hopefully once we get a project repo page going, it'll be easier to keep details better organized. I'm more than happy to help troubleshoot what you're working on, any issues you're facing. You…
  • LAMP as in a Linux Apache Mysql PHP server? I do :) If that's what you're looking for feel free to PM me. And huh, that odin link has a pretty inexpensive looking bacteria CRISPR kit. Might be a nice place to get my toes wet with the more 'bio' side of things!
  • I've got one in each hand below the crease in the ulnar region, and honestly they've been the best I've had so far in terms of feedback and strength. The extra rooms means you can pack a slightly bigger magnet in there, which might have something to do with the improved feedback :)
  • Northstar haver here, I've always opted for the Freedom Fondle aka patdown, to avoid the scanners in general. They might go through fine, but I'm never on a flight I can just 'throw away' if the TSA picks it up and freaks. Never had an issue with the patdowns.
  • Neither did I :O thanks!
  • Title of the doc (& thread) is Subdermal Implant data, but the column specifies Magnet types. Are we keeping this exclusive to magnet info, or should other implants be listed too?
  • Xrays always look so cool! :D That came out great! I'd also be interested in hearing an update! Still haven't decided where I want to install it, but I'll get to that once it's at a place I can exchange monetary units for :)
  • Grats on a clean heal and overcoming the odds :) Good to hear the nerves were still able to regrow enough to provide field feedback. 
  • It could easily be a matter of a more powerful machine. While there are plenty of examples of being able to keep a magnet implanted around a functioning MRI machine, the sheer variety in strengths I feel like implies that not all machines will be as safe. I've heard there are still some in the field that require an…
  • My first one gave me sensation about 2 days it. It wasn't intentional... I was just doing some cleaning and when I picked up my bird's air filter, I noticed it felt like the air was coming out the back, and not the front. My small right middle finger magnet I definitely felt buzzing about either a few hours after or the…
  • That is a *Beautiful* shot of an implantable chip :O Really excited to see what your project will look like in the end!
  • Thanks so much! And Bingo ;) that's the goal. And location can be as specific or vague as desired, and remains optional, for obvious privacy reasons.
  • allright, Tab's been added to member profile pages for the member Blog :) It's not terribly fancy, just a post listing. Serves a limited scope purpose though. EDIT: Turns out this is also how to enable the locations system -.- so I might have to set it to profiles can only be edited on the profile view screen. Also got a…
  • Projects are now showing up on mobile a bit better, so I hope that will help. Is there a specific point in the project creation that was especially confusing? If I can streamline that content somehow, awesome. I wasn't originally planning on having user blog posts have much function outside of per-project logs, but adding…
  • Do they need a /constant/ temp differential? or, would providing localized warmth for a shorter period of time be enough to provide an active charging state?
  • Aye, near me in order to get an apprenticeship license you need CPR certification, First aid certification, and Prevention of Disease Transmission and Bloodborne Pathogens certification. The town next door also requires a college level anatomy or physiology class, but I'll need to do more hunting before I can find…
  • Regular brainstorming is a great idea, and I'm pumped to see another thread for another round :D Breaking out the degree of grind-body integration into a small set of varying levels is a great idea, and I think will really help with project scoping. Not to mention it sounds like a handy way to reference how invasive a…
  • No that's about right. At least I think it is? Every microwave I've felt around typically has one primary area that put out a lot stronger field than the rest. Once it heals up a little more, the nerves around the site should hopefully regrow. Once that happens, you'll be able to pick up on weaker fields as well, and from…