Interview about BioHacking

edited February 2015 in Community

I'm writing an article about BioHacking for french press.

Would anyone be ok to answer a few questions by mail ?

I'm also looking for pictures.

Thank you !

Nod Nuaj


  • See whether you can contact Steve Hathorn. He's kinda a big name in the community.
  • You mean Steve Haworth?
  • Hmmm, does Haworth consider himself a "grinder" or "biohacker" even? I mean, he's probably like the most celebrated of body modification artists and had a role in starting the whole magnet implant thing... but what does he consider himself to be?
  • Yes, I meant Haworth. Evidently, Haworth is not a name in my browser's dictionary, and I failed to disable autocorrect >.<
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