
Is there any website like rupharma that sells lidocaine but you dont have to pay with bitcoin. Thanks for the help


  • While you can buy stuff like reagent grade powders on amazon, topical lidocaine does work. The best way to use it is to apply generously, wrap it in cellophane or a similar thin wrap and then leave it for an hour to an hour and a half. You have to use a lot. If it seems like it's all been absorbed add more. Just putting some on and waiting though won't do it.
    I was experimenting with using dmso and electrophoresis but it wasn't much better. You might also look into veterinary supply companies. Most will require a prescription but some may care less.
  • Also, do you know what an instapot is? It's an electric pressure cooker and they work great as autoclaves. You just need to but a little rack for inside so the tools aren't sitting in water
  • what about buying a PMK [pain management kit]?

  • Does anyone still sell them?
  • Dangerous things sells a pmk for around 30$

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