Flat NFC tags

edited October 2015 in RFID/NFC
A thought occurred to me just now inspired by my old "NFC tattoo" - how about coating a flat NFC tag in something solid and bioproof and implanting it to get better antenna coupling?


  • I have seen it done. I've seen people take a normal NFC chip and take it apart and coat it in silicone. This does give a lot better range, as he was claiming to be able to read it from about an inch away. but it also came with like 5 stitches and a lot more pain.
  • For the price of pain and a few more stitches? That honestly seems like a smoking deal in my eyes. Past those easy points what other cons would it have?
  • Larger surface that can get torn and thus expose the internals, plus we don't exactly know what kind of effects does the 13MHz wavelength have on human biology at an extended time of use. 

    Oh and also as it would have a definitely different flexibility, it would be awkward to move around. A totally rigid thing would be less weird, but imagine a differently, but still flexible thing being inside you, an extra layer.
  • @fonix232 I don't imagine it would be to bad having it under your skin, at least no worse than standard cosmetic silicone subnormal implant (stars, skulls, etc.).

    Also (assuming we are talking about passive chips here), you will only be exposed to the 13.56MHz waves as much as you scan it with a reader. There would be no constant exposure.
  • Even with constant exposure, we're constantly bombarded by RF signals at all frequency ranges with no proven ill effects unless the amplitude is SERIOUSLY high and you're right next to the transmitter.
  • Actually, check with Amal from DT. I know he's already done this as well. If I remember correctly, there was some issue with the parylene. He might still be developing it. I'm not sure.
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