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Demo Of Finger Magnet install.

I would like to thank this community for all the good info it has given me. Here is a video of my procedure, get it before youtube takes it down. I have some ideas for Southpaw and some other devices and write code for a living, so if anyone is looking to collaborate hit me up through facebook or at [email protected]. As you can see I already know a street doc. Enjoy!


Displaying all 4 comments
  1. nice vid, sounded like you experienced some rather exciting moments.

    about the southpaw and other devices, feel free to open new discussions here. not everyone is in favor of facebook and emails wont allow new people to jump in. that is why was set up, to allow better collaboration.
  2. I am glad someone finally did a video! 
  3. @ThomasEgi You got it man, I will do discussions here then and keep collaboration in the dedicated space. Do we have any code on github or a subversion server somewhere? should there be a discussion on a type deal? I could really use a how to on bread boarding the chips and just getting it to a point where i can load and run code. I mean i will be doing GoogleFu but if you have resources I would love to write some sharable code.

    @Lukas Thanks man.
  4. @TimmyCNinja The code part will be rather easy. it is just reading i few byte from the i2c bus, and setting the corresponding output pins. the hardware is the big challenge.
    resources .... well you would need a microcontroller (i am using the ones from atmel), a programming adapter (if you have a reav rs232 port somehere this will do), and the gcc-avr stuff. the only really good online sites i know are in german language. if you need help with getting started on microcontroller stuff, feel free to join the chatroom, i hang out there most of the time.
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