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Skillset Register

I would like to get an idea of what skills we can contribute to biohack, whether it be professional skills, or skills you obtained from "winging it" - it doesn't matter. 

  • Some experience in bacterial genetics
  • Some experience in Chemistry labs ( First year college stuff)
  • Ability to reach a large group of people (via University) 
  • Access to academic information (power-points, mainly) on biology (which may expand to include more subjects)
  • Access to college educated individuals willing to contribute 

In the process of learning -
  • Human genetics
  • Mat Lab programing 
  • Integral and Vector calculus, differential equations
  • Mechanical Engineering 

I know, not spectacular, but I am working on it 


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    • electrical engineering (pretty much complete lab at home)
    • software engineering  (c on embedded systems and python on desktops)
    • mechanical engineering (no real workshop but good theoretical knowledge including dynamic systems)

    there is an almost infinite list of things i learned about because i once was interested in stuff.
    if it is something that involves technology, i'm in.
    • Programing: C++ Spin (proprietary Parallax inc. propeller language), Assembly 
    • Some Circuit design
    • HTML and CSS
    • Access to extensive collection of materials on most scientific topics (pdfs mostly)
    • Extensive Windows and Linux knowhow 
    Other varied tid bits of things i have picked up along the way.

  1. This DIY expression of transhumanism makes me feel energized. Nootropics, biofeedback, and the enlargement of sensory perception interest me. Time to join in the fun. My skills and knowledge as of May 2011:
    • lab experience with cloning/genetic recombination
    • formal training in biochemistry, will know methods by end of 2011
    • training in organic chemistry, physical chemistry, physics
    • math familiarity including calculus, differential equations, non-linear systems, modeling (using matlab)
    • self taught basic electronics from Horowitz and Hall Art of Electronics
    • playing with sensors, the Arduino platform
    • playing with brewing, welding, leather working
  2. My degree is in a hybrid engineering/physics field at the B.S. level. I'm interested in a lot of things, but not a master of anything. I am interested in nootropics particularly atm. It seems like increasing ones available intelligence is the surest way to figure out everything else IMO.

    My skills & knowledge include:

    • Undergraduate Physics
    • Math through basic partial differential equations & some advanced probability distributions.
    • Some chemical engineering up to & including chemical kinetics & unit operations.
    • General understanding of chemistry, but not specialized in it at all.
    • Mathcad & a little bit of R.
    • Welding & machining, although I lack mill & lathe access at the moment. I've also done some brewing & a little robotics.
    • I've done some work with modifying complex & random co-polymers(lignin) for more desirable properties.
    • Some electronics.
    • Other things that happen to have slipped my mind at the moment.

    Does anyone know a good guide on oscillators?
  3. I'm an entrepreneur. I've owned/been involved in a wide variety of businesses internationally. I have a good grasp on the business end of everything. I'm not afraid to jump into new things and I'm never afraid or too embarrassed to ask questions. Here is where I can help:
    • International business/finance.
    • Basic knowledge of business law.
    • Int'l corporate expansions. I'll set up a fully staffed office anywhere in the world for you.
    • Extensive real estate experience, especially deal syndication/repositioning.
    • Stock market shit.
    • Oil/gas exploration.
    • Mind control..
    I like disruptive innovations and technology. I'm a good guy to chat with if you need to hash out an idea. Here is my pretentious linkedin account if you want to add me:

  4. I am a tinkerer. I professionally write software. In my private time I work with an electrical engineer to build various devices to attempt to get great technology to everyone. We are currently trying to recreate Pranav Mistry's Sixth Sense device, I am writing code dealing with AI, Neural Networks, and Genetic Algorithms. We will be moving on to southpaw once my newly implanted magnets set! Happy grinding! 

    •  C#
    •  Python 
    •  C and C++
    •  Java,
    •  Web Development
    •  a smattering of other languages
    •  technical documentation
    •  Linux
    •  Windows
    •  networking and infrastructure
    •  math
    •  project management
    •  design
    •  testing
    •  SQL
    •  android developement.
    • Economics

    and a decent working knowledge of a variety of other subjects, though generally more in the social sciences than the physical sciences.

    (It could come in handy. ... Maybe. I'm a weak tie.)
  5. Well... I'm working with an engineer friend and some other guys on a wearable augmentation suit so I can be a superhero in LA.  Some of the things we're trying to incorporate might be miniaturized and become useful in the context... but I'm afraid most of the ones that occur to me immediately would have to be transdermal to work... and the general consensus is that's bad, I think.

    And I have a military background and have traveled a lot and seen strange things.  And I can do art.

    I find this whole thing absolutely irresistable and terrifying at the same time -- I'm not sure I could summon the courage to perform even superficial surgery on myself.  Anyway, it's a moot point for the next two years until I retire from the army.

  6. Okay, I've been contemplating this for a while, and I think I have finally figured out what skills I have that would actually be useful to something like this.

    • Writing/editing
    • Some graphic design
    • Some chemistry (~one year undergrad general chem, still studying)
    • Some pharmacology (esp. psychopharmacology, particularly good at researching/interpreting info)
    • Music composition (if we ever make videos and want original music or something, I dunno - both traditional and electronic music, esp. ambient/drone/etc.)

    I list writing/editing first because that's probably where I'm most useful here. I know English grammar very well, and I'm good at learning and adhering to various formatting standards. I can also do transcription work (typing speed ~100WPM, 99% accuracy) if that ever needs to be done.
  7. @Skeptikos: don't downplay, economics as the study of the effect of incentives on human behaviour is a seriously cool field, and could be a genuinely useful one, cf. Schneier and Anderson on security economics, and some of the behavioural economics people.
  8. Behavioral economics is fun. I've seen Bruce Schneier's security blog, but I wasn't aware of security economics. I'll have to look into that now, thanks for the heads-up.
  9. I don't have any concrete skills at the moment, but I've had some experience in a few fields and I'm pretty quick to pick things up (I always read the manual).

    • Graphic design, mainly photoshop (haven't used it for a couple of years though)
    • Web design (HTML, CSS, some PHP, not made anything in a couple of years, again)
    • Writing (Copy, scripts, creative writing, reviews, essays, pleas for money)
    • Working knowledge of computer hardware/software (building PCs, getting Linux to work on them, fixing everything).
    • Currently studying social science, maths, business, moving on to human physiology and biological psychology in my second year.
  10. Doing phd in human genetics...
  11. Oh wow some pretty impressive people here. I think the only new skill set I can bring forth is that I'm a shady character. You need something shady done, I'm your guy for advice, only reason I'm saying is because I like you people. Might come in handy if you need to do a mod with some "odd" substances or get a hold of restricted parts. 

  12. I am generally good at designing and making things, in many different contexts. I'm getting an undergraduate degree in electrical engineering, with a focus on biological applications, so I'll be learning some things that are very relevant to biohacking.

    Some skills I can offer now are:
    • basic electronics, and experience playing with arduinos and sensors
    • basic programming, in C, Java, Python, and Processing
    • some physics, mechanical engineering, and neuroscience
    • experience with robotics 
    • experience teaching / explaining things well
    • willingness to experiment on myself, if the risks are sufficiently low
    • many geeky friends with varied skill sets whom I could probably enlist to help with projects

    Over the next couple years I'll be learning more about: 
    • circuit analysis and signal processing
    • medical imaging 
    • neuroengineering / neural prosthetics
    • C++, Matlab, and useful lab techniques

  13. Experience & skills
    • Pharmacology
    • Skeletal muscle remodelling, Bodybuilding & Performance Enhancement Drugs
    • Vascular biology, Angiogenesis, Ischemia & Hypoxia, ROS manipulation
    • Training eg( resistance, weight, cardio, interval, etc )
    • Electric Stimulation of tissues
    • Therapeutic ultrasound

    IT Experience

    • Machine learning ( evolutionary programming, SVM, optimisation )
    • Natural Language Processing & Text mining

    Other Interests
    • Phages
    • Gastrointestinal ecology Fermentation eg( bread, wine, yoghurt) & Exogenous digestion ie(enzymes & bacterial)
    • Statistical mechanics J
  14. Skills

    Programming: pretty language agnostic, use the right hammer for the screw and such.

    some electrical engineering, want to learn more but need money

    currently learning AI, will be learning networking soon

    enough physics and chemistry to understand simpler things

    can design stuff, not super great at it though

    Other interests

    robotics: once I have money...

    augmented reality

  15. Experience, skills and other helpful stuff:

    • tattoo artist, piercing
    • stonemasonery (grave stones and shit)
    • language skills (English, German, Czech, Slovak, Polish)
    • access to medical supplies and equipment
    • access to wide range of drugs and pharmaceuticals

    Am willing to experiment with any new mods. Let me know if I can help with anything and I´ll do my best. Will add body modification to this list soon(subdermal, microdermal and If what I´m working on works, even transdermal). Am planning to extend my tattoo studio to body mod and aug studio. Looking forward to work with you

  16. Hello. I live in Binghamton, NY.I have no particular skills in science or technology, except for what I have chosen to learn. I am an artist. I was interested in the occult and black magic at one point, and later became interested in paranormal subjects like psychic ability, which led me to magnetic and electromagnetic research. I'm interested in martial arts. And as you all are, I'm interested in enhancing normal human abilities, along with achieving new ones, via augmentation, whether it be biological, or technological. I'm interested in working with other people on various projects, both on the internet or in person, so please feel free to contact me with any requests you might have.

    • Ninja: Stealth tactics, Reconnaissance, Infiltration, Espionage, Sabotage, Improvised Devices. Knowledge of Guerrilla warfare, Psychological Warfare, Biological/Chemical Warfare, and Hand to Hand or Close Quarters Combat. Proficient with swords, throwing knives, knives, chains, nunchaku, crossbows, and pretty much anything that could be used as a weapon.
    • Artist: Painting, Sculpting, Guitar, Keyboard, Clothing Design, Drawing, and Writing.
    • Homeopathic Medicine: I know properties of various natural substances, that can be used to enhance ones quality of health, and improve natural functions, as well as be used to treat, cure, or prevent illnesses.
    • Psychic: I'm involved in creating and utilizing psychic based technology, and increasing natural psychic ability through technology. This includes magnetic / electromagnetic fields, psychotronic devices, generators and weapons.

  17. Currently reside Gold Coast, Australia. 
    The studio I work out of is Flesh Impressions Body Piercing Studio

    Active skill set:

    • Body Piercing
    • Suspension
    • Magnetic Implant insertion  
    • Hygiene Infection and Control
    • First Aid
    Currently studying at university:

    • Outbreak of Infectious Disease (Control & Bio-terrorism)
    • Anatomy & Physiology
    • Practical Ethics

    General self taught interests

    • Alchemy
    • Occult
    • Herbology
  18. Greetings!  New to the forum and hope to provide some insight as well as potentially identify some serious collaborators for future work.

    • Physician, plastic surgeon
    • Detailed knowledge of human anatomy and surgical procedures
    • Active researcher into surgery of the peripheral nervous system

    Past skills:

    • 1 year of laboratory research into viral vectors (lentiviral vectors) for genetic modification, during medical school. 

    Future skills:

    • Upcoming fellowship training in hand and peripheral nerve surgery next year.

    I'm very happy to discuss ideas and procedures and provide insight into anatomical and surgical matters, although I cannot give any formal medical advice to individuals on this forum. 

    I am very interested in discussions pertaining to the medical ethics of 'biohacking' and how a justification might one day be made for the practice to be accepted by the greater medical community.... just as the practice of 'unecessary but desirable' cosmetic surgery is already accepted.

    Finally, for those serious individuals with advanced degrees and technical ability who have the faculty to design novel and useful implants and are looking for a surgical collaborator to plan and help execute prototypes, I am very willing and interested to discuss privately how that might be done.

    I wish you all the best; keep your imaginations running.

  19. I'm a medical doctor at the beginning of my career, with some interest in surgery, psychiatry, psychology and a few other fields. I'll probably start a specialisation in surgery next year. I'm from Poland, we have 6 year long medical studies + 1 year long internship here before we get out medical licenses. As far as I know our medical licenses are 'compatible' with all EU countries, I don't know american system well enough to determine how those 7 years translate into your system. This means two things: 1. I have a wide medical knowledge from a lot of areas as well as some knowledge and know how about medical, biological, biochemical, physiological etc. research fields, as well as probably anything else one could expect from a medical doctor. 2. I'm bound to do no harm, and (especially not being a surgeon-specialist) I would not and will not perform any surgery with home-brewed implants for the fear of loosing my license. Also, everything I write should be treated as 'just theoretical discussion and not medical advice, if you want to do this consult your doctors first', and other such cover_my_ass bs ;) During my studies, of the more interesting points, I've done a tissue engineering basics course. I have knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, programming, basic electronics and a variety of other topics at least at the 'I can understand what you're talking about' level because I'm very quick to pick up any new knowledge. I also like tinkering (even if I don't have a lot of free time to do so), so I know at least basics of soldering, metalworking and such. Dreams on 'to do' list: Making a working transdermal (and possibly in future implanted subdermal) electronics - nervous system communication bridge (I have peripheral nerves on my mind more than direct brain communication currently). Working on cyberpunk kind of cybernetic prosthesis arms, legs and internal organs (I mean the medical grade stuff, not home grinding). I haven't found a place in my proximity that works on that yet though. Making a working 'ironman' kind of exoskeletal suit (without sci-fi power source and flying probably ;P )
  20. Hi,

    I am a software engineer and project manager. 
    Skills : 
    • Project management
    • Requirement and specification analysis
    • Software conception & development (iOS, JAVA, .NET)
    • Some knowledge about : IA and human robot interaction, augmented reality, etc ...    
  21. Figure i'll add to this.

    currently a student but work in a lab that me and a guy are building (gonna do loads of biohacking in it amongst other insanity)

    rather long odd list of skills:
    • blacksmithing
    • wood working
    • graphic design
    • 3d modeling
    • fire breathing
    • suturing and am learning basic surgery
    • mycological practice and aseptic technique
    • skeletal rearticulation and basic taxidermy
    • some electrical engineering and programing
    • practiced chemist (did a bunch of work with explosives and some odd chemistry)
    • nuclear physics (fusion and particle accelerators mainly)
    • knowledge and experience designing and building high vacuum setups
    • nano particle fabrication
    • currently studying genetics in school (undergrad)(and self taught synthetic genetics) (little bit of work designing vectors)
    • work with artificial muscles
    • plant biology
    Lots of side projects i can't really talk about but hopefully will do some cool stuff with you guys
  22. The user and all related content has been deleted.
  23. hello, my skills are as follows
    concept design
    metal work
    wood work
    project management 
    chemistry(mostly basics with some knowledge into certain areas)
    physics(same as chemistry)
    minor surgery 
    lab write ups/procedures
    and lots of other small things that may come up later.

    i also start school soon to get into the local RN program
  24. College Student, Residing in Florida.

    Active Skill Set:  

    • General Chemistry and Physics:  Up to College level in Chemistry.
    • Intermediate level electronics:  as taught by my father and various books. Basics of Circuit theory, things involving magnets, high voltages, and induction, Soldering, and troubleshooting. I've also done some experimentation with electrical stimulation of the muscles
    • Metals:  Basic Metallurgy, Smithing, Refining and properties
    • Lab Work:  How to properly apply the scientific method and record ones findings, as taught in General Chemistry.
    • Programming:  Lua, C++, and Algorithm Composition
    • Martial Skill:  Stealth, Escape and Evasion, Tactics, Reconnaissance, and Mixed Martial Arts.
    • Weapons:  Fabricating, Maintaining, and using weapons of almost any era, from swords and clubs to nuclear weapons and thermobaric weapons. I also possess a fair knowledge of what kind of injuries they inflict.
    • Psychology:  Currently taking Psychology in College. Already possess a working knowledge, acquired by real-world experiments and applications, but lack the fancy terms, history, and finer aspects of this field.
    • Books, Literature, and Rapid Information Acquisition:  I read things at a terrifying rate. If you need a large amount of literature analyzed, or resources and research acquired in a short period of time, I'm your man (Unless I'm busy with another project.)
    • Parkour and Advanced Mobility:  Basically, how to get from Point A to Point B in the most direct manner possible. This may not directly be useful, but some of the things I've learned about bones, joints, and impact dissipation might be useful.
    • Herbology/Homeopathy:  I've been making herbal teas and using plants and herbs of various sorts to help with a myriad of illnesses, injuries and situations. I've also got access to some excellent guides.
    Dabbling and Very Basic skills
    • Pharmacology:  Know some of the basics from my mother.
    • Surgery:  as taught by various army field manuals and Cassox.
    • Lasers:  I've dabbled with lasers for different things, and will hopefully get my hands on a more powerful one soon.
    • Machining:  I've started learning how to use mills, metal lathes, and CNC machines in my free time
    • Nanotechnology:  I've got a little bit of knowledge on Carbon Nanomaterials and some of the quirks that surround them. Other than that, not much.
    • Artificial Intelligence:  I've dabbled in AI programming and technology off and on for a few years now. I'd like to eventually acquire a working knowledge in this field.
    • Lock Picking:  This has given me a very good feel for subtle sensations and changes in a system or device. 
    • Hypnosis:  Something I'm studying actively. I've mainly been focusing on Self-Hypnosis, and had mixed results so far.
    • Rocket Science:  I did model rocketry for a number of years in my middle school and earlier high school days, and I've literally grown up around the space program, So I've got a decent grasp on the mechanics of Rockets.
    Degree Fields (Current Plan)
    • Computer Engineering (Masters or PhD)
    • Minor undetermined

    Future Interests
    • A degree in psychology
    • Training in Fencing
    • Life Extension
    • Neural Augmentation
    • Pilot's License
  25. I have a pretty broad skill set, but I tend to gain proficiency but never really master these things.  

    That being said, I hold a degree in Mortuary Science and that leads to the one thing I've really mastered - embalming and restorative art/demisurgery.  This actually provides a number of useful skills:
    • Gross Anatomy
    • Suturing
    • Surgical skill: Although, I've never had to worry about patient pain or death.  I do have to worry about some infection - things like C. Perfringens which causes tissue gas in the deceased, but usually I take care of this with really toxic chemicals.
    • Sculpting:  A pretty useful skill for lost wax castings and mold making of unusual parts.
    • Resourcefulness:  There isn't a way to prepare for everything you see in a mortuary, so a lot of restorative art is just winging it.
    • Microbiology:  Thanatomicrobiology is a great basis for general microbiology.
    • Chemistry:  Thanatochemistry is also a great basis for chemistry in general.
    • Sterilization and Sanitation
    Beyond the mortuary, I put myself through college working in IT (Disaster Recovery).  I also have waaay to many projects and have had to pick up skills for those.  The stuff I'm proficient in, but have never spent the time to master...
    • Circuit Design
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Programming:  C, C++, and ASM mostly.
    • Gunsmithing and Locksmithing:  The fine machining and hand fit and finish work comes in handy for a lot of things.
    • Basic Genetic Manipulation
    • Tissue Culture and Plant Micropropagation
    • Really Basic Tissue Engineering
    • Ummm... Post-Impressionist Painting and Surrealist Sculpture?  I just wanted to add another bullet point.  I don't think this is really an applicable skill set.
  26. Ahhh, so many talented people! Its great to see so many of the skillsets ya'll have.  
    I'm a web developer, involved with both the front end and back end, plus getting better with server management and the like. Bachelors of Science in Interactive design, though a vast majority of my courses were along the programming track vs design.

    Basic rundown
    •     html / css (plus less) / javascript / php / markdown
    •     Some basic ruby
    •     Lower level python (but it's on my radar to expand on next)
    •     Low level C++ (Taking a class for it right now, actually)
    •     Passing Java Knowledge
    •     Linux (Both as a personal system and server/LAMP stack)
    •     Android rooting / customizing
    •     PC hardware (Building and repairing)
    •     A bit of network security
    •     Lockpicking (though rusty)
    •     Performing arts / Circus (Currently training in aerial silks and flexibility conditioning, learning a lot about the body on the way!)

  27. I have 4 years of 3D printing to offer. And 3D modeling. I'm a programmer as a career, and can also help with any code anyone needs.
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