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I'm thinking of getting an implant done by myself. I was thinking of numbing the finger, poking a hole into it, putting the magnet in and pushing it to where I want it.

But I was wondering how to numb it? I heard that putting my hand in a latex gloves, in a bowl of ice water for thirty minutes is good. But is it? Is there a faster way? Is there an easier way? If anyone can help me out with that, I'd really appreciate it!


Displaying all 14 comments
  1. I used the PMK from dangerous things here. Look up how to do a digital nerve block. 100% no pain the whole time. 
  2. Yup. Seconding the digital nerve blocks. Look up a web block (you can ignore transthecal block; if you're asking this question, you probably can't do it safely - it takes practice); it's super simple and easy to do yourself. Lidocain HCl is hard to find online, but has a limited stock so buy soon.
  3. I've done the ice way twice and if you decide on that make sure you're okay with pain because it's still going to hurt.
  4. Everyone please remember, if you have the tools available for a reasonable cost and you don't use them, it's just not bright. This means gloves, antiseptics, anesthetics, and other easily acceptable things. 
  5. You're incising into your body and implanting a foreign object - if it's possible to take a precaution and don't, you're doing yourself a disservice. 

    This was my shopping list, and everything I used for my procedure. Everything except the lidocaine ( and the magnet (supermagnetman) was purchased on Amazon. It's a one stop shop for 95% of the gear necessary, and most of it comes with Prime shipping if you're in a hurry. That list is a good start of what you might need to keep things safe, sterile, and smooth.

    With excellent sterile procedure and caring for your dressings religiously, you greatly reduce the risk of bad things happening.
  6. My kit was similar to @mothball my second time through except for the lidocaine and the suture. I found a surgical pharmacy a couple blocks away from where I live so besides the magnets I can get everything there. Next time I'll definitely pick up the suture kit and probably order some lido as well. Just have to look up how to properly administer it.
  7. @Basile, honestly, anesthetic is a great route. If you're not good with pain, and you're try to stick a scalpel into your finger, you're likely to make a mistake, and mistakes at that point aren't good. If you don't have the money for the lido, wait until you do. this is not something you need to rush. do as much research as you can. this site is an excellent portal to all the info you need.
  8. Since we're all about the DIY thing, would it be possible, and if so, "safe" to produce your own lidocaine HCL from precursors?

    Check these sources
  10. While I do generally agree with your DIY sentiment, sometimes it is good to use discretion - for something you are injecting into your body, at least personally, I would choose the option that is sterile, commercially produced, and known to be safe. DIY is great, but especially with your body, I don't see a need to reinvent the wheel when a perfectly suited alternative (indeed, the thing you're aiming to make) is available.

    It's like making oil for your car - sure, you could do it. But it would be less troublesome and allow you to have more confidence in its functionality if you just bought it.
  11. I just tried to provide the info under that fact that some people will try and without knowledge failure on this is unavoidable. of course i agree go with the beaten path, go with the method others use.
  12. Re: lidocaine making - it is possible and safe. With the right tools and the right experience.

    There was a thread on the DIY lidocaine extraction. I will reiterate that organic chemistry is not like learning to solder.  DIY OChem (by people who don't know OChem) is how people get hurt. We learn by doing, sure, but we learn by doing in a safe way first. With proper tools and some bench time in before hand.

  13. That said, what level of OChem in college/university to make things "safe."
  14. Well, probably, the intro to ochem series (2 semesters or 3 quarters depending on your university) and the labs to go with it so that you know how to use the tools and analyze your results.

    OChem is a lot like baking, except the ingredients are mostly dangerous and when you want to test your results, you can't take a bite and spit it out and be ok if you did it wrong. If you had a friend who didn't know how to make a cake from scratch, and a poorly made cake could kill you (not even a bad cake, just a poorly made cake), how many times would you want them to practice making cakes supervised by a person who made cakes for a living before you ate one?
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