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The Circadia (Project HELEDD) is Finally Implanted!

Better pictures and videos will follow. 


Displaying all 21 comments
  1. Awesome work GHWW! Excited to see more clips of the implant in action :)
  2. Gah fuck yes. 
  3. Awesome!

    And this has been done in Berlin?
    What does the name stand for? Any connection to circadian- thingies?
  4. That is fantastic. Now, for the questions: How do you interface with it, is there a phone or laptop app, or is it some lower-level hackery? What sensors does it have onboard? Any timeline for others to start ordering those? I need this inside me.
  5. @Ben:  I believe it was done in Essen.  The original project name, HELEDD, stands for Human-Embeddable Light Emitting Diode Display, and Circadia is a name we came up with because HELEDD is the worst name ever.

    @zombiegristle:  Right now, we use a Bluetooth connection and the app BlueTerm, but an official Grindhouse app is in the making.  I think the current version has pulse rate sensors and temperature sensors, and future versions will probably have more.  I'm not sure of any timeline for ordering, but it'll probably be some time after we verify that the version inside Tim doesn't kill him, and we make some improvements to the device.  Btw, was the innuendo at the end intentional?
  6. I am so fucking excited for this.  I've been waiting quite a while to see it realized and am really truly impressed.  It all got very real when Steve Haworth posted unimplanted pics, glad to see if in operation.
  7. Bloody amazing. Can't wait to see how this evolves over the coming years.
  8. Fantastic work. Will there be a video of the implant in action that is not recorded by a potato? 
    Also, how do you charge this thing? I can only think of putting an inductive charging unit in an armband while you sleep, unless you guys have come up with a more graceful method.
    Once again, fantastic job! When will I be able to buy one?!
  9. The unit being charged. Enjoy!
  10. Thank you so much for that video! I just have a few questions;
    Circadia right now seems rather bulky. Undoubtedly in future iterations the size of the unit will shrink considerably, but what will happen if you try to pass though airport security?
  11. Tim just did try to pass through security earlier today.  According to him, he went through two scanners and a metal detector and nobody even looked at him funny.
  12. "Nobody looked at him funny" as in "the detectors didn't go off"?
    That would be awesome since limitations in travel are one of my greatest concerns.

    I think it's totally realistic that those detectors are callibrated to look for bigger chunks and not delicate electronics. One more reason against the cancer provoking new scanner generations...
  13. What are the full specs of Circadia? I think its mentioned somewhere that it has a heartrate monitor in it?
  14. Progress at the end of 2013.  Maybe even a pivotal moment.  

    But ugh, all those damn irrelevant & sometime just mean comments you have to respond to, when you share it with the public.  What a waste of energy and intellect.

  15. Have there been any issues with the skin over the implant? I know this was mentioned in a discussion about subdermal plating, regarding cutting off nerves and capillaries with large surface area implants.
  16. Aye. I've been wondering the same thing. Unless that was all swelling in the tissue, the implant looked pretty darn big under the skin.
  17. Third Update on the Circadia Project.

  18. and um... pointy...

    bumping for info on blood flow, etc.  any issues with contact / impacts?

    most experiments with implants have the body building a coat around object (even when already coated with a polymer) and the fragmentation of this coating is what can cause complications. the larger the coating, the more possibility for issues.  this is why implantees get blood thinners and need cleaning sometimes. 
    i still can't find any information on how you guys worked around this issue, what you coated the implant in, etc.

    also, is the a place where the biometrics are being shared? 
  19. @glims: Yeah, the "pointiness" kinda stood out to me, as well. The body doesn't really "do" corners like that, I'm wondering how that will pan out...maybe a more rounded or ovoid Circadia 2.0 down the line?
  20. i recall that a grip of the commentary on various blogs touched on the physical design, as well as some of the other questions i'm asking.

    i'm hoping someone comes out with some coating specs as well as other data.
  21. First of all: congrats! This is the first functional, electronic implant, isn't it? (Lephts experiments not being working if I remember correctly)

    I'd also be highly interested in some biometrics since we do some analysis of circadian rhythms at uni at the moment and the topic of data quality when usind different methods has risen, which concerns both the sensor and the location.
    Having data from the circadia would be awesome in this respect!
Displaying all 21 comments