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Ordering from Addgene?

Addgene requires a Material Transfer Agreement form to order plasmids, and only ships to companies and institutions. Is it still possible to order from them? If so, can I sign the Material Transfer Agreement? If not, where can I source plasmids, restriction enzymes, and synthetic DNA?


Displaying all 4 comments
  1. No, I tried. Sorry.

  2. Just make a company. It really isn't that hard. It just requires some responsibility.

  3. @glims making a company and make sure it fits regulations is a lot depending on location. Having more info on where and how to make a company would be good.

    ( found out you answered this question in this other post : /discussions/2967?page=1

  4. I have had experience with multiple locations in the US, South America, and Europe. I figure that maybe there might be some difficulties in some place that I haven't been but also....

    It's "a lot" to start a company, the way that it is "a lot" to run a responsible lab. With the bar being fairly low in the states, there isn't really an excuse except for lack of trying, in as much as if you don't have a couple hundred to start an llc, you don't have the resources to do much bio.

    Other people who have said things like, buut meh freedoms, my privacy, i shouldn't need to register a business to do bio... it is harder and more personally invasive to have a drivers license than it is to incorporate. If you have 100 dollars or so, and you live in the US, and you read a lot so you don't do something dumb, you can have a company incorporated in about an hour. Tack another hundred on there and a registered agent will do all your paperwork for you and be your legal business liaison.

    ymmv based on state. But still... let's please stop perpetuating the complications and roadblocks to doing bio. There are some. Most of them are internalized learned helplessness. Depending on your city, your local library might have a class on starting a company. There are hundreds of webpages that outline the process. The state website for every american state has a list of paperwork and instructions on how to file.

    So... no. It isn't that hard here.

    Also, addgene only sells to non profits (also really easy to make) but their MTA is the same MTA that most companies use, and there is a glaring loophole that really changes how we feel about MTAs so don't sweat that part.

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