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Facial Skin Tucking / Skin staple / Suture/ tricks?


I'm interested in what would be the easiest way of getting a skin lift / botox / skin tuck that can be done at home?

I have been looking at skin stapling or even doing a Suture.

How hard would it be to perform? I have some loose saggy skin that I want removes after weight loss, it's mostly on my face.

It's unlikely I will go through this unless I can prepare properly and cover any potential problems or mistakes.


Displaying all 7 comments
  1. Stapling method supplies and guide

  2. Suture

  3. You're biggest issue is going to be working on yourself. I mean, you're not just going to be suturing. You're going to be suturing while watching through a mirror. I'm seriously curious if I could do this well. And remember that on the face, the quality of your suturing directly correlates to the scar left behind. Do you believe you could close the wound while looking through a mirror with one hand while you hold the incision for nice approximation with other.. with a level of competence that it will look better to you then the current loose sagginess. I've been known to throw a suture or two and I don't think I could.

    When you say stapling, what are you envisioning? Like, just stapling the skin back to other skin? I'm not being critical. What exactly do you mean?

  4. @Cassox said:
    You're biggest issue is going to be working on yourself. I mean, you're not just going to be suturing. You're going to be suturing while watching through a mirror. I'm seriously curious if I could do this well. And remember that on the face, the quality of your suturing directly correlates to the scar left behind. Do you believe you could close the wound while looking through a mirror with one hand while you hold the incision for nice approximation with other.. with a level of competence that it will look better to you then the current loose sagginess. I've been known to throw a suture or two and I don't think I could.

    When you say stapling, what are you envisioning? Like, just stapling the skin back to other skin? I'm not being critical. What exactly do you mean?

    Yep, when I say stapling back I mean just pinching some skin back and using a medical stapler and staples (for skin). Stapling it behind the ear or neck, somewhere hidden.

    I am not sure how well I'd be able to suture myself honestly. I would be using local anaesthetic. I would have to remove the excess skin eventually right if I stapled the skin back?

    I have a doctor's/surgeons kit with "skin" you can practise on. I would do a lot more practising before I even thought about trying to suture myself.

  5. Oooh. Interesting. Well, im not sure what would happen. You might start by using a good adhesive and trying it out. No need to break skin at all. There are adhesives stronger then skin. Might find one that dissolves with a solvent. You'll need to undo it and clean well in the area created frequently. May get a smell too.. yeasts prosper in folds.

    You might consider a treatment type of approach instead of surgical. If you go to a good plastic surgeon of course, surgery is fine. I've seen a bunch of stuff regarding rolling and microinjection treatments for excess skin.

    I really need to look into the physiology of excess skin. Have you researched it much yet? Like does excess skin ever "retract?" I can't think of a mechanism for it.

    Really, even though it's about aesthetics this is considered medical. There's a solution already.. go pay a plastic surgeon and they'll fix it. Stuff like gluing back flaps isn"t done for a reason. If nothing else, you ll end up with massication and skin infections in the pocket. It sounds to me like you're a bit crazy like the rest of us.. in which case can I advise something else? Dude, we should hook you up with a really good artist like Russ Fox. Turn the excess skin into art. You could have trailing tentacles or some cool shit. We can justify art, but trying to do diy surgery is clearly medicine. Plastic surgeons are better. Go to those guys. They do pretty work safely.

  6. There's not enough loose skin to justify the cost of plastic surgery really. Interesting idea about the adhesive, jogged my memory actually. There's a "surgical glue" which basically sticks skin back together, that could be an option for me.

    If people can perform gyno surgery and remove cysts on themselves then I believe a skin tightening is well within possibility and i'm going to continue to research it, though I appreciate your concern. :)

  7. I have a pending home made experiment based on methilene blue properties to reverse aging on skin, but didnt have enoough time to do more research

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