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LINX Magnet Manufacturing

Does anyone know how the magnets used for the LINX magnetic sphincter are manufactured? The reason I ask is because these magnets are designed to last a lifetime so I would think that they wouldn't demagnetize as quickly as other magnetic implants.


Displaying all 11 comments
  1. Well demagnetizing isn't really an issue. If you're having a loss of strength that generally means your coating has failed. On the other, these are really intetesting. I'm going up order one to check out.

  2. @Cassox said:
    Well demagnetizing isn't really an issue. If you're having a loss of strength that generally means your coating has failed. On the other, these are really intetesting. I'm going up order one to check out.

    Thank you for correcting me, I had read it was demagnetization in a news article. I hope you learn something worthwhile after purchasing one.

  3. Just ordered one of these. Ill tell you about it once I get it in hand.

  4. > @Cassox said:
    > Just ordered one of these. Ill tell you about it once I get it in hand.


  5. Yeah. Ive got a write up Ill share soon. Also look into the FENIX system.

  6. Theyre pretty cool devices.

  7. > @Cassox said:
    > Theyre pretty cool devices.

    Yeah I read about those. It's like the LINX band, but for incontinence.

  8. Still writing this up, but if you search through patents that j&j has filed since ethilon bought out Torax.. there's some cool tech on its way. Renal vessel controllers and whatnot.

  9. Ok. Here you go:

  10. So the quality and everything still makes me cringe but we're learning as we go with the video making thing.

  11. > @Cassox said:
    > Ok. Here you go:
    Cool stuff. The next parts sound really cool.

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