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A few enquiries from a beginner

I first heard about magnet implants a few years ago but was hesitant. Recently I remembered it and have decided to pursue the process. I'm a beginner and therefore rather new to the process. This has led me to have a few questions.

I have searched the forums and wider internet for answers to no avail. Please point me in the correct direction if there is any useful info out there.
1. How much money (USD) would you expect a professional installation to cost?
2. As someone who is rather skinny (hand attached) do you believe I will have any issues fitting it in? I am looking at a Titan due to it seemingly being the best available.

3. Will I have to replace my magnet after time? I understand that if it shatters or my body rejects it then I will have to replace/remove it but can I possibly have it for a lifetime (I doubt it)? The Dangerous Things website seems to claim the Titan will only lose sensitivity due to tactile nerve displacement and is pretty immune to field strength decline and corrosion.
4. Is there anything else I should know about the process which is often omitted from discussions?

Any answers are very much appreciated.


Displaying all 5 comments
  1. Hey SkeinError, welcome to the party!

    I can definitely help out with some of your questions. Full disclosure I work with VivoKey, who are indirectly involved with Dangerous Things.

    1. If you go to a professional piercer in the US, you can expect a fingertip magnet install to run anywhwere from $60-$150 depending on the artist. I know a few people who have convinced medical professionals to do installs, and they can be upwards of $1000.

    2. Here is a thread containing my measurements and pictures of the results after I had a titan install if you want to compare to your hand:

    3. The Titan and xG3 biomagnets should last indefinitely. No infiltration should occur over time unless you severely damage them with mechanical force. Infiltration of bodily fluids to the NdFeB core is the primary cause of magnet strength loss. The loss of field strength when the core is uncompromised and kept in stable temperature conditions like those found in the body is minuscule. It would take decades for the magnet to lose even a few percent field strength.

    4. People are especially touchy about lido because there are legal ramifications, so you're best bet is to not ask about pain management over the phone. Having had a fingertip magnet install without any pain management though, I can say you're definitely gonna want some. You may want to ask when you're there in person. Also make sure the installer isn't planning to use ferromagnetic tools, because it will be difficult to keep the magnet off of them. Check out the install method using a scalpel and progressively larger tapers that my installer used (described at the beginning of that thread I linked)

    Feel free to ask any other questions you might have. This forum is mostly in archive mode right now, but there are a few die-hard grinders still checking in from time to time.

  2. Thank you greatly for answering my questions.

    1. Here is a thread containing my measurements and pictures of the results after I had a titan install if you want to compare to your hand.
      Awesome, our hands seem to be of a similar size so I should be in the clear!

    2. The Titan and xG3 biomagnets should last indefinitely.
      That is a huge relief and makes me one to get one even more now. I just have to hope I don't smash it.

    3. People are especially touchy about lido because there are legal ramifications, so you're best bet is to not ask about pain management over the phone. Having had a fingertip magnet install without any pain management though, I can say you're definitely gonna want some. You may want to ask when you're there in person. Also make sure the installer isn't planning to use ferromagnetic tools, because it will be difficult to keep the magnet off of them. Check out the install method using a scalpel and progressively larger tapers that my installer used (described at the beginning of that thread I linked)
      I should be fine with that. The person I am looking at getting it installed by has done some magnet implants in the past. I should be good to go.

    Feel free to ask any other questions you might have. This forum is mostly in archive mode right now, but there are a few die-hard grinders still checking in from time to time.
    You say this forum is mostly in archive mode, are there many more active online forums floating around?

    Once again, thank you for answering my questions. I appreciate you helping out newcomers to the scene.

  3. There's the Dangerous Things forum I linked you to, and an unofficial Discord channel. There's also the slack associated with this forum, although I've heard it's largely inactive at the moment.

    We seem to be in a lull where the last generation of grinders have either left the scene for life stuff, or have started businesses (like grindhouse wetware, livestock labs, dangerous things, augmentation limitless, thought emporium). Quite a few of us are still involved, but we're nowhere near the population density of a few years ago. I suspect Gen Z will start getting in on this in earnest in the next few years though.

    Technology is advancing rapidly, which helps. There's still plenty of interesting projects going on.

  4. I forgot there's also several subreddits:
    and so on...

    I wouldn't bother with r/biohackers. It's full of supplement red light therapy cold shower whackadoos

  5. @Satur9 said:
    I forgot there's also several subreddits:
    and so on...

    I wouldn't bother with r/biohackers. It's full of supplement red light therapy cold shower whackadoos

    Awesome. Thank you greatly, I'll have to check them out. I'm glad there are awesome people such as you willing to help out those new.

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