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So i want to get a magnet implant, what now?

A long time ago i came across a video on YouTube about a guy who put a magnet inside of his hand. My first thought was: “Bloody hell... in the name of all that is holy i want one.” So around september 2020 i started researching, came across this forum and other wonderful sources of information and learned a bunch since then. However, there’s still stuff i could appreciate a second opinion on.

First, should i even do it? My hobbies include, but are not limited to, welding, blacksmithing, general metalwork, a bit of woodworking, leathercraft and more to come. In short: i lead a very finger-unfriendly lifestyle with metal dust everywhere and my hands covered in tiny burns and scratches all the time. The magnet could be placed in a burn and scratch free area of my hand (more on this later) bur metal dust gets everywhere. During the healing process i’ll have to keep the bad-assery to a minimum but once healed, will this dust affect the magnet or surrounding tissue in any way?

Second, which one do i get? I want to get a sensing magnet, preferably not a lifting one. I’ve been looking around a bit and found several implants from several vendors.
Dangerousthings sells the xG3 which has a nifty syringe for installation but i’d prefer keep it as a last resort because of its size. They also have the m31 but i’ve read it has some reliability issues. Any comments on this? The newest addition to the Dt arsenal is the Titan, which seems to me like the very best option, but i am but a humble university student and $300 is better than it used to be but still stretching my wallet a bit for what is essentially a gimmick. I’ve also come across Sampa Von Cyborg’s magnet. I’ve heard great things about it but they only sell to professionals (which i’m not) so getting hold of one will be a bit of a hassle. This leaves me with my last and preferred option: a custom magnet by Cassox. As far as i know, he produces custom implants containing multiple small magnets in a biocompatible synthetic coating which should produce a great sensing sensation. Any comment on his stuff? I have contacted him before via mail, but he hasn’t answered my latest mails. In his last reply (december 2020) he let me know he’s been dealing with tough corona-related stuff, so delays are understandable. Cassox, if you’re reading this, would you please check your mails for me? (Vwva**** If not, does anyone know how to contact the guy?

Third, where do i put the damn thing? I have not been blessed with big hands, so placement could be difficult. Because of my finger-unfriendly lifestyle, the right hand is not an option. The best option is a fingertip, preferably the middle or ring fingertip of my left hand (see picture, nr.1) because of the high nerve density. This will produce the best sensation, however, this is most likely to get whacked by a hammer (and an xG3 probably won’t fit in there) so the second best thing is the base of the middle or ring finger (nr.2). Still, small hands (the base of my middle finger measures just over 2cm wide), so the safest bet would be the “knife edge” of my hand (nr.3). This is far away drom any potential runaway hammers and blisteringly hot scale, but how about the nerve density there? Will this produce enough sensitivity? Any comments on placement?

Lastly, how do i get it in there? I’m not crazy enough to do it myself, so someone will have do do it for me. The best thing would be a professional specialized in implants but i don’t know of any near me (flanders, belgium). I also thought the procedure could be done by a piercing artist since they’ve held a knife before and mostly know what they’re doing. Any comments on this?

Any experience, advice, information or things you want to share about this will be greatly appreciated.


Displaying all 6 comments
  1. Hello
    I have the magnet fro Samppa since February 2018 implanted - no problems. Left ringfinger
    The xG3 V1 is in my right tragus.
    I need also to travel. I can recommand Martin Kraus in Düsseldorf / Germany - he has also the magnets from Samppa. I got the magnet from Samppa from him . He also implanted the xG3.
    I think you will work the most time with gleves, Or I'm wrong?

    I will put the TITAN in my right ringfinger - must wait until I can travel to other coutrys without going into quarantaine. Hoepfully November, when I will have my next holiday after June.

  2. > @Sandra said:
    > Hello
    > I have the magnet fro Samppa since February 2018 implanted - no problems. Left ringfinger
    > The xG3 V1 is in my right tragus.
    > I need also to travel. I can recommand Martin Kraus in Düsseldorf / Germany - he has also the magnets from Samppa. I got the magnet from Samppa from him . He also implanted the xG3.
    > I think you will work the most time with gleves, Or I'm wrong?
    > I will put the TITAN in my right ringfinger - must wait until I can travel to other coutrys without going into quarantaine. Hoepfully November, when I will have my next holiday after June.

    How does the one in your tragus feel? Can you really “hear” magnetic fields?

  3. @Rosbifke said:

    @Sandra said:
    I have the magnet fro Samppa since February 2018 implanted - no problems. Left ringfinger
    The xG3 V1 is in my right tragus.
    I need also to travel. I can recommand Martin Kraus in Düsseldorf / Germany - he has also the magnets from Samppa. I got the magnet from Samppa from him . He also implanted the xG3.
    I think you will work the most time with gleves, Or I'm wrong?

    I will put the TITAN in my right ringfinger - must wait until I can travel to other coutrys without going into quarantaine. Hoepfully November, when I will have my next holiday after June.

    How does the one in your tragus feel? Can you really “hear” magnetic fields?

    Yes - from my small power converter I must hold him agains my ear to hear it.

    The most impressive thing was - the security gates at a library, where a freidn from Germany is working. I can feel them from 1,5 meters away - and it must be 5 - 7 meters that Ican hear them - when I'm inside the buildng.

    I don't have the knowledge to build invisible headphone - but some people use magnets in their tragus to listen to music.
    sorry for some mistakes, I'm from Austria.

  4. That’s really quite awesome. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Personally I would go for the Titan bro. The electromagnetism sense and lifting stuff is only 49% of the awesome. The other 51% of the magic is the biosafe coating.
    I wouldn't touch a parylene or TiN (titanium nitride, NOT titanium) coated magnet just due to the insane rates of failure.
    I got mine in the very beginning of last year, mine is a Haworth silicone coated, I can lift around 4 paperclips or 2 if I let them dangle off one another. I can feel "live" wires as long as there's a bit of load on the circuit, a phone charging or a light bulb isn't going to be enough, but a coffee maker or blender, microwave, transformers, induction cooker all are definitely perceivable. The disc wasn't thick as I was expecting it to be, it fits so perfectly in the pocket, out of the way regardless of how I apply pressure with my fingers on a day-to-day. Silicone is definitely more time trusted than parylene or TiN, but if I were looking for a magnet to put in TODAY, I would accept nothing other than the Titan. Nobody in the industry has been bold enough to give that lifetime backing until now, it's a good time to be getting implanted :)

  6. Forgot about the other part of the OP, I would find a "body mod/tattoo shop guy" to do the install for you, this is something you may grow attached to very quickly (as I did), worth it to pay a little for someones help (not to mention they have 2 hands), idk about your country/region, but I waited until the day of my install when the guy sat me down with the scalpel, to ask about lidocaine, and he was happy to perform the install under local anesthesia (not as happy as I was though! hehe), be very careful as that's where it becomes grey area fast, you don't want to spook the person doing the install by asking questions regarding anesthesia, as it's not legal in most places without a licensed anesthesiologist present

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