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SOS: Working with NMR with magnet implant..?

Hi all! I've reached out to a few of you, so apologies if this is redundant.

For my research, I will be using a lot of NMR. The NMR lab is a small room with 4 machines, only 2 of which are shielded. The lab managers are explicit that you shouldn't even enter if you have a pacemaker, for instance. I am equally concerned about the machines, and everyone's results, as I am about my finger. These machines are up to $1 mill a piece and data is priceless. The managers wanted me to reach out to see if others have experience with this (being NMR + finger magnet) to help shape my decision as to how I proceed.

Anectodes, thoughts, and opinions all welcome!


Displaying all 4 comments
  1. This forum is kind of ~~dead~~ not really active.

    You could ask the same question over @

  2. maybe relevant

  3. Thank you both for your input! I have been away for quite awhile, I'll check out both.

  4. That's funny. This forum is cyclic, not dead.

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