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Immune response to NFC implant

I'm looking to get an NFC tag implanted into my hand, but at this point I have some concerns. Is an immune response to the chip likely? How often do people have issues with biocompatibility? Are there are any studies done pertaining to NFC/RFID implants and the dangers associated with them?

Thank you


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  1. Hi @kuso_! I haven't heard of negative immune responses to NFC implants however I am sure it's within the realm of possibility. That being said it would definitely be the first time I have heard of it out of the 100s of implants I have seen done and owners I've talked to. The glass is biocompatible so it would be very surprising if it did happen.

  2. If the glass that the implant is encapsulated in is biocompatible and bioinert, then you shouldn't have an immune response. Some chips you can purchase from sketchy manufacturers (primarily in Asia) can have lead or other contaminants in the glass. There are testing procedures to see if anything leaches out of the glass detailed on this forum. They should also be thoroughly cleaned (preferably sterilized) before implantation.

    Do some research about your seller before you purchase. Who were you thinking of getting an RFID implant from?

  3. @Satur9
    > Do some research about your seller before you purchase. Who were you thinking of getting an RFID implant from?

    Dangerous things, I actually didn't think there was any other reputable way to get them.

  4. The Schott VivoTag glass that the DT implants are encapsulated in is not likely to cause an immune response in anyone on its own. If you don't maintain a sterile field during implantation, foreign contaminants could cause an infection, but that's a different thing.

  5. I will definitely make sure to maintain a sterile environment during the implant procedure, thank you for your help.

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