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Help finding magnets

Is there anywhere where i can find safe and reliable magnets for implants preferably cheap if possible any help will be thanked


Displaying all 5 comments
  1. In my opinion, nowhere. Better try to deal with it yourself.
    DT's price is still affordable, but not to me with shipping. maybe if it will open again.

  2. @AgainstHumanity64 said:
    In my opinion, nowhere. Better try to deal with it yourself.
    DT's price is still affordable, but not to me with shipping. maybe if it will open again.

    thank you so much

  3. Sorry to be late to this, but don't try and find a random magnet and figure out how to coat it and implant it yourself.

    Coatings are hard! Most fail! Don't mess around with sticking toxic objects in your body if you don't know what you are doing, just to save a buck!

  4. @tekniklr said:
    Sorry to be late to this, but don't try and find a random magnet and figure out how to coat it and implant it yourself.

    Coatings are hard! Most fail! Don't mess around with sticking toxic objects in your body if you don't know what you are doing, just to save a buck!

    thank you i wasn't going to coat it myself, but do you have any suggests on where to buy it at?

  5. If you go to an event like grindfest or defcon magnets will be available from people who have been doing this in this community for a long time.

    Also, lots of reputable body modification artists (Brian Decker, Steve Haworth, Russ Fox, etc) sell/implant magnets and travel all over to piercing conventions and such.

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