The forums were originally run on Vanilla and ran from January 2011 to July 2024. They are preserved here as a read-only archive. If you had an account on the forums and are in the archive and wish to have either your posts anonymized or removed entirely, email us and let us know.

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More focused activity tab? and dark mode.

Hey all, in the current state of this site I don't see the purpose of the activity tab. Currently it displays new users and badges earned which isn't very useful, especially since every user gains a badge every year. Personally I think using the activity tab to show latest comments and posts would be more productive, any thoughts?

The addition of a dark mode would also be appreciated, perhaps something similar to the homepage?


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  1. Maybe the "recent discussions" page is more what you want, rather than the activity tab? If no one finds the Activity tab useful, I can attempt to hid it, but all sorts of people find all sorts of things useful, so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    It looks like there is some Vanilla community interest in allowing user light/dark themes, but that this is not something that is currently available.

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