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Using sulfuric acid to test gold plated magnets?

I have a bunch of gold plated magnets that I got a while ago from K&J magnetics. I'm going to implant two of them soon and currently doing saline test (I am aware gold plating is not very reliable, but I decided to implant them anyway). When I started doing the test I also put one regular nickel plated magnet as a control. To my surprise, three days later it still barely shows any signs of corrosion.

So I've been thinking what if instead of waiting for weeks to make sure the coating is alright I use a stronger chemical? To my knowledge sulfuric acid shouldn't dissolve gold, so I did a short test run and sure enough, gold plated magnet didn't seem to react at all while a regular magnet was completely dissolved withing minutes.

Is it save to later implant magnets tested this way? Has this been done before?


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  1. Yes. People have tried that method multiple times and it isn't a good test. Try 0.9% saline emersion at 38c for a few weeks. Magnets which show no degredation for as long as six months still fail rapidly with simple saline exposure.

  2. Thanks, My mistake is probably not heating up the saline. I will have to think of a way to keep the temperature at 38c though

  3. Well.. honestly the temp isn't all that important. Giving a standard temp lets us compare time to failure in a meaningful way. But if all youre doing is seeing which fail.. "room temp" is fine.

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