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2019-2020 Tech Project: LED implant - Join the fun!

Tech projects: During Grindfest 05 we talked about how we have been growing skills but haven't seen that many projects or write-ups. So we are working on getting a projects area going and on having a couple tech projects for people to work on.

Project 2: LED Implant
People really love lights under the skin. This will be a good project to develop skills and bring forward an implant that should be popular. Group will develop a small single LED w/ Bluetooth implant. LED should last 10 hours on its charge. Bonus if it can do a patterns.

If interested please sign up:


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  1. Has this project stalled? I am working on an powered light implant with a different power source.

  2. Actually, I know a group formed on that thing that isn't slack. I'll take a look. I know the people who were involved.. so it probably took one meeting and resolved.

  3. Hope that helps. Lol. No, I'll find you a link in a bit.

  4. There was a bit of a divergence on whether to go battery or field powered. Also, none of the team members had the bandwidth available to lead the charge. If you don't mind sharing, what power source did you decide to use for your implant design?

  5. Similar to field powered. Encrypted ultrasound.

  6. Hmmm. That's very interesting. You might even be able to use a piezo element to harvest energy from ultrasound (although they respond better to lower frequencies).

    Once you've figured out how to harvest the energy, formatting it to run LEDs safely can be a bit of a challenge. There's definitely some small LED driver ICs available that can handle that for you.

    If there's any way we can help, feel free to ask.

    • Ultrasonic Wireless Power, Data, Control Network - There have been DIY ultrasound network projects as early as 2013, when in search of kindred souls I found Anfractuosity's Ultrasound Data Transmission via Laptop Project
    • Microminiature Ultrasonic Sensor - These have been around a long time and just get smaller, more sensitive, tuneable and lower in cost. A sensor literally functions as an energy scavenger, so not something exotic that needs to be invented.
    • Frequency Selection - There is a reason why nothing beats the simple utility of the venerable stethoscope, however audible sound has limited bandwidth, and infrasound not only has demonstrably lower capacity for transmitting data. The high frequencies in the ultrasonic spectrum cost less per watt, has the highest capacity bandwidth, can transmit data and power through human flesh without detection or interference with technology commonly available.
    • Added Bonus - A network of such proposed implants can provide a wide range of useful real-time medical data.

    A word about how I "science". I rarely offer opinions before at least some cursory research and I never would join a forum and mention an actual project without investing considerable time, in this case over a decade, in the study of its feasibility.

    Also, I am not suggesting the exclusive use of ultrasonics but in appropriate combination with other tech for maximum effect.

    This is only part of my ƵedenVogue Λrmour or ƵVΛ Moda ( ecosystem for cyberphysical apparel and peripherals.

  7. Wow, thanks for sharing. I know some people who are working with e-textiles who I'm sure will be interested in your work.

    > @Muiren said:
    > A word about how I "science". I rarely offer opinions before at least some cursory research and I never would join a forum and mention an actual project without investing considerable time, in this case over a decade, in the study of its feasibility.

    I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound condescending. It definitely sounds like you're far along with this project. I look forward to seeing how it turns out!

  8. No worries. eTextiles that serve as a complement to this and other tech are not necessarily as fringe as many people assume them to be. Though I have worked in IT most of my life, my education and study has been and continues to be Ecological Systems Theory, Environmental Psychology, Ecological Group Work within a Cooperative Community model.

    As an advocate of ecocentric socially responsible technologies I believe in Economic Democracy for Social Democracy, the better to Optimize Human Strengths, Accommodate Human Limitations.

    Most of my funds go to the purchase of land and incorporation of a community based on the general principles of Work Cooperative and will feature a cooperative adaption of an Intellectual Property Pool for the exclusive access of cooperative development groups.

    I have applied for membership in NoBAWC the Network of Bay Area Worker Cooperatives.

    This inception cooperative is centred on communications, performing arts, and media production with collaborative action design, maker, and performing groups each with their own brand identities within the overarching community named ΛSSΛ CO-OP or in long form Λn Solas Si ΛrtScience Cooperative
    Trans: An Solas Si = The Fairy Light

  9. How's the LED project going?
    Anything new on this? I am really interested. :-)

  10. I've found several articles about an LED process.
    Princeton developed nanotechnology that increases LED brightness and efficiency by 57% their expertise in nanotechnology, Princeton researchers developed an economical new system that markedly increases the brightness, efficiency, and clarity of LEDs that are widely used in smartphones and other electronics. The illustration demonstrates how a conventional LED structure traps most of the light generated inside the device; the new system, called PlaCSH, guides the light out of the LED. (Image credit: Princeton University courtesy of Stephen Chou et al.)

    SunLED Introduces the World’s Smallest RGB SMD LED
    * World's Smallest RGB SMD in an 0.65 mm x 0.65 mm package
    * Full-Color illumination for flexible designs
    * Cost-Efficient and High-Intensity
    * Low current: 5mA operation
    * Wide Viewing Angle: 140°
    * Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL): 3

    These technologies span 2015 to 2018, but I have a lead on a brighter but more efficient, and even smaller emitter technology. I have also made progress in a different encapsulation technology that is more bio-compatible.

    None of these people who claim to support the formation of cooperatives responded to my application for membership. Speculating on what bullshit rationalization they have for not answering me is pointless.

    I have wasted an incredible amount of time with people, milking me for information and wasting my time, pretending to be supportive when they are anything but.

  11. What groups did you approach? We've kind of got a coop thing going on.. but it's so loosely organized. I mean, if you emailed me and didn't get a response it certainly wasn't personal.

    So there are all kinds of weird divisions and groups. The ones more interested in making products/capital are understandably more closed lip about what they're doing.
    There are also a lot of people who just want to make cool shit.

  12. > @Cassox said:
    > There are also a lot of people who just want to make cool shit.

    I am one. I've been experimenting with RF energy harvesting to power LEDs (and other things). There's a pretty convenient chip for that purpose called the NTAG I2C Plus. I made some cards for people to prototype with that are available on the DT store. My testing indicates you can get 15mA continuous draw at 3.1V from the chip coupled with an appropriately tuned antenna. Unfortunately doing anything other than power requires an MCU, but I'm working on ways to remove that from the equation.

    I've also met another engineer who has succeeded in creating an addressable LED board in an Implantable form factor with the energy harvesting chip and an MCU. Here is the thread:

    Part of what the previous LED implant team and I worked on was a wearable device that would constantly output a 13.56MHz field to power any passive implants. Eventually it should incorporate Bluetooth and work with phone notifications and other triggers, but for now I'm just trying to get the transmitter working. Attached is the schematic of the circuit I designed to be very DIY friendly. I'm still troubleshooting it though, and I don't have a lot of bandwidth. To get the power output we desire I needed to source a rather expensive RF Mosfet. I'm beginning to think it would be easier to just buy a high power reader IC (like those used in payment terminals) and trick it into constant output, or repurpose an MCU with a fast clock rate. There's a software dev looking into it.

  13. @Cassox Today people are brainwashed, programmed by Perception Managers and Influence Leaders to passively receive information by various forms of commercial propaganda tools. Even inside a post with relatively few comments to be parsed through, I find most people are unwilling to invest the few moments it would take to get a better understanding before they comment.

    This post and comments is proof of how common this is. I have invested several decades and tens of thousands of dollars in public relations, only to realize with each passing year, people are less curious, refuse to question their assumptions, and unless they are entertained refuse read, study, think deeply about anything.

    People like "feeling" they are edgy, they like "feeling" as if they are thinking outside the proverbial box, but most important they want this without the effort, the inescapable work and unavoidable discomfort that really being an outsider requires.

    @Satur9 Thank you, I use RF in other projects like metamaterial lens arrays that focus high-energy microwaves safely at metamaterial rectennas on the surface of vehicles to periodically charge small, light weight hyper-capacitors instead of batteries that account for 1/3 the weight and cost of an electric motorcycle, car, truck, train, boat, plane.

    The encrypted, networked implants I have been working on utilize Ultrasound for Data and Power for this and other implants. I posted that information in detail earlier in this thread. I am not worried about people stealing what I create for few reasons. First, I always leave out important information that makes my application of theory work better than any copycat, the people who steal from me are always White males absolutely convinced it is impossible they can't reverse engineer and do better than a Black Woman, and I can innovate and invent better ideas, faster than they can steal them.

    As for creating a board to implant, that is many times larger than anything I can imagine working on. The cost of prototyping and small batch manufacture of chips by conventional technology has so drastically fallen that even if ultra-high resolution 2D and 3D chip printing were not now accessible for this project, I would have that alternative as the plan B.

    In parallel, I am researching biogenic technology based on the same research as biogenic solar cell technology, only in my vision imitating and improving on the function of mitochondria, something I always wondered why the Ai in The Matrix never did in hundreds of years. Improbably stupid for an Ai that is supposed to be so immensely powerful.

  14. Has anyone had any success with QI charging any implant batteries. I'm thinking something like a magnetic charger similar to my phone that does QI charging. An led should be able to be powered for several hours with just a 5-10 minute charge to a small battery. More than enough for a meeting town.

  15. Yes, induction charging (which qi charging is an open standard of) has very likely been tested. The issue is not getting the power transmitted (although that can be difficult enough). The issue (the way I see it anyways) seems to be the very understandable hesitation of people to just implant a battery.
    Yes, with qi charging you can get about 10W (assuming 2A,5V) across, more than enough to keep an LED consuming 0.096W (assuming ultra-bright 30mA, ~3.2V) going for about 100 times the charging duration.
    Sounds good so far, right?

    Now here's a shitload of issues:
    Extra parts you'll need implanted:
    - Battery (you'll wanna store that electric energy somewhere)
    - Induction coil (you know, the "receiver antenna" for your induction charging)
    - Charging controller (so you can charge your battery safely enough e.g. don't blow up the battery)

    All that doesn't fit into a glass-tube implant.

    "Okay, but there's silicone coating, people have been doing that for a while. So it should be safe, right?"

    Well yes, but in this case no.
    The silicone-coated implants are usually installed via an incision that is used to lift up a "pocket" of skin to slide the implant in.
    All those parts (especially the induction coil) are really flat, but need to be a bit wider.
    So you'd likely end up with a rather volatile (battery), rather invasive (BIG parts) implant.
    I know I'm not willing to go that far right now; maybe once solid-state batteries are a widespread thing.
    Hope I could shed some light on the situation. ;)

  16. Um. I'm just a dumb meatmodder but.. I seem to remember people NOT using Qi protocol for some reason I can't recall. Like their are better protocols for what we're doing? Idk. I'm talking about for larger devices like the embedivet.

  17. Qi is a great protocol for devices with larger batteries/that consume watts of power. It reduces wasted power by no longer transmitting when the device is fully charged, this is great for say, phones that take a while to charge and you may forget about.

    But for an implant with a tiny power source that charges at a rate of mW and has a smaller capacity, we don't need all that functionality or safety features.

    There are also quite a few components in the charging circuit which takes up more space (bad for implants).

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