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ADA BlueFruit, Stacked Flash Memory Modules, Medical Silicones, USB Anchors, & 1.25 MM Breadboard???

So, I have this Arduino Project Design I'm working on.

ADA Bluefruit - USB Capable, Bluetooth Capable, WiFi Capable, Microprocessor, Chipset, ~126 Mb of RAM
Arduino SD Double Stack Memory Pin Kit (x3) - To hold two SD Cards at one SD sector
256 GB Samsung SD Cards (x6) == 1.5 TB of memory storage
1.25 MM Micro-BreadBoard - For Connection Frameworking
USB/MicroUSB IO Cable Line to Flesh Anchor Made with Prosthethic Anchor plate for accurate four surround healing
Medical Silicone for safe insulation and sealing

Accessible by phone, programmable by phone or usb, acts as a microcomputer, 500GB of SD RAM capable of meta-linkage or Arduino firmware link as RAM expansion with 1 TB on internal space, interface to WiFi Capable with Server Database capability, Bluetooth TV, Laptop, or Smart Watch access.

Total Price

Bluefruit - 40
SD Stack kits - 7 - 10 a piece
256 GB SD - ~40
1.25 MM BreadBoard ~ 6 - 20
USB Cable Arduino - ~ 6 - 12
Medical Silicone - ~ 20

Lidocaine Needed, Hydrogen Perodoxide Needed, Suture Needed, Boss Mode Included


Gonna Be Fun When I can.


Displaying all 8 comments
  1. 256 GB SD ~40 each (edit)

  2. PS. Roughly the size of a credit card in H x W, total thickness roughly 2 CM - 2 1/2 CM

  3. Hey Naikoda

    If you're planning for eventual implantation, you should consider prototyping with those parts and then eventually moving to a custom PCB using exclusively surface mount components. If you're hand soldering something you plan to implant you're going to have so many jagged edges the coating will quickly fail.

    If you're interested in moving in that direction I would recommend you check out some free ECAD software like EasyEDA to get an idea of what that entails. The nice part about using Adafruit products is that the board files are open-source, so you can just buy the same components and recreate the design.

    There have been some conversations on the forum already about medical grade silicone around a circuit board not being up-to-snuff for implantation. I'm on my phone atm so I don't want to go searching for a link but take a look.

    One advantage when coating circuit boards instead of magnets is that parylene is much more viable. The higher temperature in the chamber during the coating process would demagnetize a magnet, but does nothing to boards that are safe above soldering temps. You could consider sending them out to have an undercoat of parylene and then an overcoat of silicone or something else. Here's a link to a Sparkfun article about their experiences with parylene coating PCBs:

  4. Honestly, the breadboard is click complete / plug and play (like snapbox).
    Otherwise I love your input, thank you!!!!

  5. @Naikoda, the point @Satur9 is making about moving from the breadboard to a custom PCB is that you greatly reduce the size. Sure, it is relatively easy to mock up a working prototype while the PCB route is a whole different beast, but the less STUFF, you have to put inside a body the better. Human bodies don't come with pockets so when you add something, it will press in every direction so the difference between 10mm thick and 9mm thick is huge.
    If you thought airlines were sticklers about luggage size, wait until you meet mother nature.

  6. I definitely think this is a cool idea, I'm not trying to dissuade you. I just feel that if you're going to do it, then do it right. Let's talk about it.

    Even 2cm of height is pushing the limit of possibility, at the very least you would want to step down to a perma-proto board that you hand soldered. With 20-40 hours of work you could lay out a one-sided PCB with those parts on it that would bring the whole assembly down to ~4mm Z-axis height before coating (1.6mm substrate + 2.5mm tallest part). The layout would also probably save you some X-axis & Y-axis space. The board itself would probably cost you $2-$6 and all the surface mount components and paste would probably run you $20-$30 (rough estimate) so you'd be saving money too.

    There are other serious hurdles to consider relating to power. I don't see a USB port accessible through your skin as particularly viable. Others might have more to say about that. I really like where you're going with Bluetooth as a communication protocol. It's easy to work with, has a relatively high data rate, and is consistently getting improvements. The issue is going to be selecting a battery, and how you're going to charge it if you find out that an externally accessible USB port is not viable.

  7. Great concept, and I appreciate the idea. It will likely be utilized. As for the micro usb, there are holed plastic dermal sheets for adapter used with internal components in medical practice which I have seen and were drafting for the overall idea.

  8. Link?

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