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Tideglusib - regrowing tooth enamel

I've got 5mg of Tideglusib. The SDS says to dissolve it in DMSO. I have DMSO arriving soon. I am thinking I'd find a tiny sponge on a stick applicator, and apply the Tideglusib solution to my cavities on a nightly basis. Any suggestions of tine sponge applicators?

This is what the SDS says and I don't quite understand it.
Solubility Notes: ~0.5 mg/ml in 1:1 DMSO:PBS (pH 7.2); ~1 mg/ml in DMSO & DMF;

The animal studies consisted of them drilling a hole to the denten, the putting a sponge with the Tideglusib absorbed in it, and sealing it in the hole. After a few weeks the hole sealed up.

I think I'd best use 10ml of DMSO to dissolve the 5mg in. If I get a small enough sponge applicator, not a q-tip because that would be extremely wasteful, then I would be able to dab a tiny coating nightly.

I'd particularly like that 10ml to last 30 days, so I need the tiniest amount on the applicator.

One concern is the DMSO being so readily absorbable, that I don't want to hurt my tongue, gums, and cheeks.

I apply 2% iodine onto my cavities weekly with a q-tip. I am not too careful and I do taste the iodine and spit it out afterwards. I want to be a bit more careful with the Tideglusib to not waste it or get on my gums and such.

Any thoughts?


Displaying all 13 comments
  1. depending on how big your cavities are you could just buy a syringe, load it with the dissolved Tideglusib, poke out a piece out of the collagen sponge and then applicate it to the cavity.

    I am not really sure if you can just leave the cavity open however. When looking at the methods in this paper for instance ( they seal the tooth with glass ionomer.

    Maybe you read a different one where they describe a processing without sealing?

  2. Same for Melanotan, or any other alpha-MSH peptide.

  3. Hi @R> @RIURAO said:

    Same for Melanotan, or any other alpha-MSH peptide.

    What is the same? Are there any descriptions here at Biohack?

  4. @Arne said:
    depending on how big your cavities are you could just buy a syringe, load it with the dissolved Tideglusib, poke out a piece out of the collagen sponge and then applicate it to the cavity.

    I am not really sure if you can just leave the cavity open however. When looking at the methods in this paper for instance ( they seal the tooth with glass ionomer.

    Maybe you read a different one where they describe a processing without sealing?

    That's why I will apply it daily with a sponge. The hold they drill was just to get it more isolated and show it worked. I think Im going to pass on so my isolation. :-)

  5. *on so much isolation

  6. There is an study in PUBMED, which I could not find now, main of all studies regarding Melanotan has suddenly dissapear from Pubmed.... Well this study talked about mainly the same but using Melanotan.
    There is also an study in PUBMED but unfortunately i have failed to find it again, i posted it some time ago in forum, but it is offline since 2013, could try to find it in the internet archive

  7. Hey @IndyVDual

    any news on your proceedings on this topic? I am highly interested :)

  8. I poured DMSO into the vile and have been applying the Tideglusib to my teeth with a tiny paint brush every evening...well, on some evenings. I see non-objective improvements and, in the very least, nothing seems to be getting worse. I'm going for a cleaning soon to a different dentist and I'll be able to compare to my January report.

  9. @IndyVDual said:
    I poured DMSO into the vile and have been applying the Tideglusib to my teeth with a tiny paint brush every evening...well, on some evenings. I see non-objective improvements and, in the very least, nothing seems to be getting worse. I'm going for a cleaning soon to a different dentist and I'll be able to compare to my January report.

    @ me when you get the report, i´d like to look into the biochemistry behind this and it´s odd how completely research on it has been removed. Perhaps it was deemed unsafe, or the original source was unreliable. Regardless, this is interesting enough to look into

  10. I'm also very interested in seeing the results of this! If you find anything has changed for the better, I might try it myself.

  11. Literally published two days after I commented about wanting to know more

  12. I remember thinking that the sealant was used to contain the tideglusib within the cavity, so that it wouldn't trigger creation/growth of any other tissue, bone etc.

    Re: creating a seal: one testimonial I came across was from a gentleman who had his dentist place a piece of mastic (isle of Chios) into the cavity until he could afford to have it filled (Obviously not a North American dentist).

    Anyway, how did the experiment go?


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