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Volunteer recipients for Implants

Hello. We're going to be doing another surgical intensive this year leading up to grindfest. I'd like a few volunteers to recieve a magnet. These will be the sense 52 magnets as sold by cyberise. The procedures will be performed by people who've received training and have gone through all the check offs. The procedure will also be observed by an experienced body mod artist. The objective is for people to gain experience. There won't be very many, so if you want to be one of these people hit me up ASAP. These are to be placed in traditional positions as well.. the finger or base of the hand.


Displaying all 22 comments
  1. Hahaha. That's hilarious. Don't be scared. It's just a baby procedure. You're not going to get fucked up. I have 3 volunteers so far.. but they're all part of the study group.

  2. I would totally be down to advance peoples skills and get a magnet but I am stuck in Washington :/

  3. I'm down to volunteer

  4. Are you going to be of age by then?

  5. We'll talk. Btw.. this is associated with a class taking place prior to grindfest. That's in california later this year. So unfortunately, if you can't make then you can't be part of it. Im pretty sure we have enough people already. You guys can still hit me up and I'll make s waiting list.

  6. @Cassox yeah

  7. Hey I'm a 22 year old student in Detroit, I'm interested. Where is this going to be?

    Edit: Oh I see California... I might be getting some interviews by then. What date exactly will this happen? If I get flown out around that time I'll be sure to take you up

  8. Sweet. It's on.

  9. If I'm there. I'll definitely do it.

  10. I'm down! My implant failed about a year ago, and I'm definitely interested in getting replaced!

  11. Damn to far away from Austria :(

  12. I would love to be involved to any extent, but unfortunately I'm a Texan with too many obligations to make it to California

  13. Any possible way I could purchase a few magnets off you and run a study down here? I have a few people interested from other projects, have experience implanting myself, and have a few friends in the medical industry/med school

  14. Yeah. Shouldn't be an issue. PM me and we can work something out.

  15. Are you going to be at bdyhax?

  16. Put me on this list please!

  17. Need volunteer? I'm from Spain

  18. I have a pretty good list of people. This is specially for the class at grindfest so if you're not going then we can't help you. Sorry!

  19. I'm in Vegas, and might be able to make it over.

  20. Waiting list pls.

  21. Hmm. This thread should be deleted but I can't seem to find that option.

  22. I'll close/sink

Displaying all 22 comments