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Regenerate/Recharge Implanted Magnet

Hey all,

I have since decided not to do this (the risks seem too great), but I figured I would open the topic up to discussion.

Has anyone ever attempted to regenerate the magnetic field in a neodymium magnet? The preffered magnetization direction is determined in a separate manufacturing step, and then they are magnetized by a machine that produces a field often greater than 14000 Gauss. They (probably) won't fall apart if you just magnetize them again.

Actual magnetizer machines are silly expensive, so I looked into making one myself. I'm an EE, so of course I did some math. I thought it was all current, so I could throw together some super-caps and call it a day. Turns out I would get a better field strength/cost ratio if I just made (or bought) a better coil with more turns in a tighter space.

The reason I started down this line of inquiry relates to the strength of my own magnet. I had mine done before I found this place, and I was pretty uninformed. My artist steam-autoclaved my magnet, which affected the field strength. Must have gotten too close to the Curie temp. I thought about regenerating while it's in my finger, but I can just see the headlines now.

My magnet is pretty small (3mmD x 1mmH) and I can still detect strong fields like those emitted by microwaves and transformers, so I'm satisfied. That said, I figured we could all mull it over together.


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  1. The magnets, while undergoing the magnetization procedure, are highly secured. It's not even uncommon for magnets to occasionally crumble, depending on the ratio of NdFeB, size of magnet, and manufacturing faults. The level of pressure the magnet would undergo would likely damage tissue, and not even be very effective given the absorption/redirection due to tissue. I'd even be concerned about the small amounts of metals in your tissues too, particularly the ones that bioaccumulate.

    I of course am not an electrical engineer, just a chemist. You likely know more than I, but as far as I can see this isn't particularly feasible.

  2. Any input you can provide is valuable. The electrical aspects of building your own magnetizer seem sound, but the effect of exposing your body to a magnetic field of that intensity is beyond my purview. It would probably be a better idea to remove the implant before trying anything. The things I don't know are:

    >Would the magnet physically fall apart when you "regenerate" its magnetic field?

    >How much force are we talking about when the magnet is exposed to a 14K Gauss field. Would it certainly burst out of your finger, even if you bound it tightly?

  3. you'll just crush the tissue between the magnetizer and your magnet most likely. A magnetizer is just a giant electromagnet. You end up applying as much field as you can to align the magnets electrons spin. Which in this case results in crushed skin cells and a very unhappy person.

  4. Agreed. Remagnetizing in-situ does not seem viable. I've learned more about the manufacturing process of Nd magnets since my initial post.

    It seems you could remove the magnet from it's installation spot, remagnetize it, then reimplant without the magnet falling to pieces. That also seems ill-advised, though. Even if the structure of the magnet isn't compromised, the TiN coatings are so thin that microscopic imperfections would likely arise from the stress.

    I'm going to call this closed. Thanks for humoring me.

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