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Platelet Rich Plasma - An easy and simple protocol

I'm working on a blog for where I'll give all the details but I wanted to open up some disscusion now. So, I've been working with Prp for about 6 months. Ive tried a bunch of protocols and kits and such.. the best imho doesn't actually need much.
PRP is used to treat many things. It's used extensively in plastic surgery because it decreases scarring and healing occurs more rapidly. It's purported to increase penis size when used with a penis pump routine.. and damn I wished I'd taken it more seriously because even without the pump etc. I've seen effect. It makes the most fantastic eyedrops I've ever used. I shit you not, three separate people have reported short term enhanced visual acuity. One girl was able to use her phone without her glasses and normally isn't. Once again, despite all the amazing claims I've found about it.. I didn't take it seriously and am now interested in gathering data. Placebo I'd bet. This is also the treatment people refer to as a vampire facial. Research indicates that it's even effective in regrowing hair in the balding and I know of another grinder that's trialed it for that reason.
Anyhow, one use that we've performed on 4 people now is intraarticular injections to treat chronic joint injuries. It was rough at first because those involved were learning both the injection sites and the production but we've gotten it down to about 45 minutes now with no pain. One subject is a marathon runner with chronic repetitive use injury. She had relief within days. Shes gotten a total of three treatments and the pain has since never returned.

Our first attempt at a shoulder joint.. sucked. It's a lot different than a knee. It's an experience I've put on my "things I've fucked up list." We've done a ton since though and it's become rather easy.

Prp is fantastic. It's also very expensive. People wanting to profit off of it by selling separator kits. There are a bunch of different types but I havent seen one selling for less then 100. These are one time use.. physician usually charge about a grand and insurance usually doesn't cover it. Ive gotten the whole thing down to about 15 bucks in disposables.
It's also pretty work intensive. There are a bunch of steps to do it right.
Also, it's also a bit of a catchall term now too. There are a number of variants. Some are rich is one constituent.. another is rich is others. Some have the platelets activated before administration.. some don't. Also, from all the physicians I've spoken with about it.. it seems like there is a percentage of people in which it just doesn't work. Maybe 25 percent or so according to an md who does this all the time. It either works miracles or it does nothing.

Anyhow, PRP is something that has a ton of potential for our community and I want to share it. For those who ate interested, look up the research. It's pretty mixed really. In some ways, I think it's overhyped. In others I think it's underutilized and not well enough researched.
Finally, learning Prp is the first step towards something even more important: Adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells. We can use a related protocol to harvest stem cells able to differentiate into nervous tissue.


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  1. I have two quick questions. First, if you had to guess, why do you think that PRP has no effect on some people? Second, what all do you think that we could do with the stem cells?

  2. 1. No idea.
    2. Growth onto a matrix containing a multielectrode array allowing true bci without the issue of glial scarring. Also, to be genetically modified while outside the body and then placed surgically.

  3. This is my shit, I've been working with platelet rich plasma in my research for three years now and have also been helping out a colleague using in for cosmetology applications.

    The pre-fab kits are an absolute rip off- all you need is the proper anticoagulant and a centrifuge. I've always wondered about how much the activation of platelets affects it, depending on use. When phlebotomists use vacuum tubes and a fine gauge needle, it is undoubtedly contributing to activation. The question is, does it matter?

    Out of curiosity, what sort of anticoagulant are you using?

    Anyway, platelets are amazing and I'm stoked to see what the future holds.

  4. I've got a PRP experiment partially filmed we started a year ago. Bout to restart that series of experiments, just waiting on some new items to arrive (blood draw kit mostly). I agree, fuck the kits. All you need is vacutainers with acid citrate dextrose and a cheapy centrifuge. A case will cost you 20-40 bucks and the centrifuge is 50.

    Also there are some protocols kicking around for ways to do weird shit to the platelets to boost the levels of growth factors they release, but I don't have any on hand. I know at least one of them suffered from a coagulation issue as soon as you added the secret sauce to the PRP so you had to inject it quickly before it gelled. Other groups supposedly managed it without the gelling issue.

    We've been using it for hair growth and it seems to do a pretty damn good job honestly. Gonna do a full 6 rounds of injections on a friend and take really good photos of the process and stuff. Interesting to see ya'll working on this too!

  5. Awesome. What are you guys using as initiators? Im using calcium gluconate.

  6. Calcium glucoate seems to be the go to. We've had some issues with the prp ... crashing? solidifying? using that addition. Any suggestions?

  7. Actually, yes. First off, the activator is the very last step immediately before injection. You have like two minutes of working time.. so if you're doing multiple injections you have to separate it all up into a bunch of 3ml syringes and activate each as you go. Also, ive had great success adding prostaglandin e1. It prevents the platelets from adhering to the inside of your containers and seems to increase your working time. You also seem to get better yields in terms of pellet size.

  8. @Cassox

    If I am understanding this correctly, this would completely revolutionize how we treat patients with brain damage. If it shows promising results, it seems that this could change our entire outlook on operations in general.

  9. Yeah. Also Glims, look at the studies where they aren't using an activator at all. They're still getting good results. The thought is that it's basically time release rather then immediate.

  10. What advantages would there be to having it be time based rather than immediate?

  11. Well since we're talking about messengers that promote certain aspects of healing, having them activate over time means a longer period of exposure. This is speculative though. All that really matter is what the studies say and a lot of this stuff hasn't been adequately studied in a way which would tell us.. this way is better than that way for whatever.

  12. Ok I see. With more studies, it sounds like this could already improve an amzing invention. How old is the idea of PRP by the way?

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