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Secret Magent Implant

Ever since I first heard of magnet implants, I've been fascinated with them. Sadly, I spoke to my mother about this and she said that I wouldn't be allowed to get one because it was the "Mark of the Beast". After doing some research, I do not agree with this statement. However, she can be quite stubborn when she gets a certain viewpoint in her head. Does anyone know what a normal magnet implant costs? Also, does anyone know how I could get one implanted without her finding out for a while.


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  1. I heard it the first time that a Magnet is "the mark of the beast" I only read this phrase when someone writes about the "RFID Chips.

    Where are you living?
    How old are you?

    I paid 200 Euro for the Magnet and the implantation in Germany.

  2. @Sandra said:
    I heard it the first time that a Magnet is "the mark of the beast" I only read this phrase when someone writes about the "RFID Chips.

    Where are you living?
    How old are you?

    I paid 200 Euro for the Magnet and the implantation in Germany.

    I'm 15 in Northeast Arkansas in the US.

  3. I imagine it'll be hard to find someone give a magnet implant to a 15 year old; you might need to wait a few years. You could go around tattoo/piercing shops and ask if they'd be interested, but I'm not sure how much luck you'll have.

  4. Yeah, that's not going to happen. Sorry dude. It's ok though.. you've got time.

  5. > I'm 15 in Northeast Arkansas in the US.

    This made me smile. When I first found out about biohacking I was also 15. I remember sitting in the back of my history class in awe of it.

    I also remember how badly I wanted a magnetic implant. I told myself "this might just be a phase. Wait until you're 18, and if you still want it, get it.". That's what I would encourage you to do. It's hard, but just stick to research for right now. Highschool will go by really fast, and you'll be 18 in no time.

  6. I thin you are too young.
    Maybe a RFID Chip would work - but a magnet: no :(

  7. @Gnupung said:
    > I'm 15 in Northeast Arkansas in the US.

    This made me smile. When I first found out about biohacking I was also 15. I remember sitting in the back of my history class in awe of it.

    I also remember how badly I wanted a magnetic implant. I told myself "this might just be a phase. Wait until you're 18, and if you still want it, get it.". That's what I would encourage you to do. It's hard, but just stick to research for right now. Highschool will go by really fast, and you'll be 18 in no time.

    Ok. Thank you for the advice.

  8. @Sandra said:
    I thin you are too young.
    Maybe a RFID Chip would work - but a magnet: no :(

    Ok. I don't really know what I would do with an RFID though. I don't really have anything taht I could think of using with it.

  9. @MilitantNarwhal said:
    I imagine it'll be hard to find someone give a magnet implant to a 15 year old; you might need to wait a few years. You could go around tattoo/piercing shops and ask if they'd be interested, but I'm not sure how much luck you'll have.

    Ok. I'll wait a while then. Thanks

  10. @Cassox said:
    Yeah, that's not going to happen. Sorry dude. It's ok though.. you've got time.

    Yeah. I may just need to wait and make sure that this is what I want to do. Thank you for telling me.

  11. Speaking from experience, I implanted about a month before going off to college. My parents still don't know about it (coming up on a year). I just bought everything on my own and did the procedure at a friends house. Slap a band-aid over whatever closure method you use and just say you got a cut if they ask.

  12. Dear OP
    When I was 13 I first found the thought emporium because of his video on graphene and then seen his videos on biohacking and wanted a magnet implant. I first went to the idea of spending as little money as possible. I made my own lidocaine from lido pain relief and spent about 60 dollars on different magnets and 50 dollars on gold. In the end my magnets failed after 2 days in dilute hcl. I spent about 250 dollars over a 1 1/2 yearin the end. In contrast I just bought these slowly over a 6 month period
    1. Steve haworth magnet $70
    2.DT lidocaine $45
    3.scalple from Ebay $4
    4. 99 percent isopropyl alcohol $1
    5. Other items +or- $10

    So in short it is cheaper to do it right than quick.

  13. And if you do it quickly then you will run the risk of infection

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