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Local Anesthetics

i live in the uk with a nanny government where even the most basic anethetics are prescription only and i need some help making an inject-able solution any help would be great as i'm planning a few personal mods that i will need to replace every 2 years i would also like it to contain a Vasoconstrictor too thank you


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  1. honestly, your best bet is some really cold water. If you really wanna numb it out, put iso alcohol in the freezer for a day or so. The freezing temp is way lower, so it's a lot better for numbing.

  2. Do you have any otc things like lidocaine back cream or oragel?

  3. can get oragel benzocaine powder and a mild lidocaine solution but none of them last long enough or penetrate past surface layer unless i can find a way to extract lidocaine for an inject-able solution

  4. @borg said:
    can get oragel benzocaine powder and a mild lidocaine solution but none of them last long enough or penetrate past surface layer unless i can find a way to extract lidocaine for an inject-able solution

    @borg said:
    can get oragel benzocaine powder and a mild lidocaine solution but none of them last long enough or penetrate past surface layer unless i can find a way to extract lidocaine for an inject-able solution

    Concentration of lidocaine from OTC options is certainly an option, although contaminates (Usually intentional ones through the manufacturers, FDA, DEA, etc) are a major concern so do intensive research on all of the components and you're knowledgeable in the science behind the extraction methods.

    Biochem is my interest and my hobby, so i'll be happy to help you. However i'd like to point out that benzocaine is a very different compound than lidocaine, watch out for compound syntax.

    There's also plenty of deep web options for you to buy medical grade lidocaine and equipment, although you should probably pm me if you're interested for further information.

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