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Trying an untested peptide.

So I want to lighten my skin, I'm already light but I want to be realllly white.

I have a MC1R antagonist called msg606 but I'm really hesitant to use it. I don't know what will happen if I injected it. I asked the professor who found this peptide and he said that yes it does affect pigmentation however it hasn't been tested on animals. I'm really considering using it but I'm not sure how to start, or who to consult, because even when I contacted the professor who found the peptide, I was pretty vague about my questions. Because I know for a fact that he wouldn't give me any information if he had doubts that I might use it on myself.

What are your thoughts on this?


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  1. As a good rule of thumb, don't. Perhaps attempt animal testing of your own, document the procedure and results, and determine physical risk. Of course even if the physical risk isn't immediately obvious i'd recommend not experimenting on yourself, who knows if this will increase your chances of skin cancer.

  2. You've created three threads asking this question. Keep it in the one thread: /discussions/2497?page=1

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