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Do any members have any magnets

I've been trying for the last year or so to source my own magnets, but without many likeminded people around, I haven't managed to get in on a group buy-in for TiN or other magnets considered "safe".

If anyone has stock from a previous buy ins I would appreciate it.



Displaying all 7 comments
  1. Just get one of the steve haworth magnets.

  2. Get in contact with Cassox, see if he has any new batches on the way.

    To make it easier, @Cassox

  3. I still have quite a few TiN from SuperMagnetMan.
    Don’t know if they’re still selling them nor do I know how consistent each coating is but mine’s still working after half a year.

  4. I asked @Cassox, and he said they'll be available on cyberise very soon.

  5. Hi, was hoping anyone who had some available could sell me 10 or so at a price less than $100 a piece hha. Email is [email protected]

  6. has magnets for sale.

  7. I wouldn't recommend the Steve haworth magnet if you have small fingers. It is 5mm by 3mm so the incision has to be 7-6 mm by 4-5mm

Displaying all 7 comments