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I tend to have a very high tolerance to things, and Nootropics tend to be ineffective with me, but noopept works really well for me.
For example, I never remember dreams, even with a dream journal etc., but with a 10 mg dose of noopept I can remember it perfectly. I know rupharma has good pharma noopept, but its a bit expensive. I personally bought like 25 g powder
Just think more people should try it.


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  1. How often do you take u take a dose of 10 mg? And how long does it last for you?

  2. > @Spade2k said:
    > How often do you take u take a dose of 10 mg? And how long does it last for you?

    As often as I can, I'm not very consistent, it seems to last 6 hrs or so

  3. Good to hear it works for you at least. I've had no luck with noopept (or any nootroopics, honestly). Has zero effect on me no matter the dose or form (have also tried sublingual).

  4. Noopept is amazing, I definitely think if you like the effects you should continue its use, however be careful of side effects. Noopept was formulated by the Russian intelligence division to regenerate damaged brain tissues, and it is built partially as a synthetic Choline framework however mainly a synthetic Racetam. Due to this, it can be weird with certain other supplements and medications.

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