The forums were originally run on Vanilla and ran from January 2011 to July 2024. They are preserved here as a read-only archive. If you had an account on the forums and are in the archive and wish to have either your posts anonymized or removed entirely, email us and let us know.

While we are no longer running Vanilla, Patreon badges are still being awarded, and shoutout forum posts are being created, because this is done directly in the database via an automated task.

What do you guys think about trying to give the community some direction?

We've got a good amount of people here, but progress is really slow. I feel like if we could find a way to focus the community's efforts more effectively we could really speed this up. I've been thinking like a democratic voting sort of thing or maybe even a council-like group to point people in the right direction. Set some people on problems that are particularly troubling for the community? 

It's 4:30 so this could be a terrible idea, but it's at least food for thought.


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  1. Herding cats, man. It's like herding cats.
    I am not saying it is impossible to direct some of the brilliant minds here but most of us are already working on a project or twelve of our own. If you want to get several people working on a single project, you'll either have to start your own and convince people to donate their time or, the easier option, volunteer your own time to an ongoing project.
    If you have a mechanicaly-inclined brain I have some need of that. Or, if you have programming skills and $300 USD lying around, I have a different project on the back burner.
  2. What are the problems that are particularly troubling for the community? 

    Like McSTUFF said, either start your own project and see if others are willing and able to help with it or offer to help someone else out with their project.

    At least provide examples of things you think should be focused on.

  3. Just wondering, did the new version of the forum ever get up and running?  I believe that they had mentioned something about having a project section. A place where we could document things and keep people updated kind of like
  4. So Ive been working on setting up something for that over at my sandbox (, which is currently down till I can pay my bill this Friday) and It has a bit of refinement left (think I might just drop the profiles / labs / events and polish the rest). Reaching out to the folks at dangerousminds in regards to it and This post, since there's definitely a want for something like this.

    Once it's back up and running on Friday, I welcome anyone to sign up and maybe kick the tires around. It's still kinda prototypey, and there's still a security audit that needs to happen. Please keep that in mind; this is just a sandbox XD

    Any and all feedback is super welcome. Again, I think I'll be just trimming out all the things that aren't specific to the projects & procedures themselves, but any feedback on how to make that process as easy and enjoyable is welcome :D

    Far as the new forum goes, now that everyone's settled back in post-grindfest, it's back in the works. Our last attempt at deploying the new software hit a hiccup due to a recent update, but the gears have started turning again.
  5. @BirdMachine Awesome! Thanks for the update, I will be sure to check out the sandbox as well.
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