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Got my first biohack --- now what?

So, I dipped my toe (or finger, if we're being technical) into the biohacking community by getting a magnet implant. I was drawn to it, yes, in part because it allows for cool party tricks, but mostly because of people's descriptions of picking up an extra sense... I'm not sure I would've been enticed enough by the idea of being able to move/have small magnetic objects stick to my finger, but the suggestion that I would be able to perceive the world in a new way provided the additional enticement I needed to go out and get the implant.

I know there are other biohacks out there, but I haven't done as much research into them (the magnet implants have been getting a lot of attention in the news, so it was pretty easy to find info on them, and I had an immediate desire to get one, which made the research feel relevant)... And, so, my question is: if magnet implants make a good first hack, what do people usually get for their second hack, and so on? Additionally, what hacks are out there that, like the magnet implant, have useful applications, other than just looking cool?

 I've seen talk of implantable data storage devices, as well as devices that allow a person to monitor their health... and that's interesting, but I'm not really all that clear on they work. 


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  1. I'm curious to know what other data storage implants you've found, any completed and practical ones? I ask because I'm working on my own. Currently somewhat in the design phase though.
  2. Rfid chips, nfc, biotherm, Northstar, cicada, diy creations, pretty much anything you can think of some one has tried. My first, and currently only, was my rfid. That is what I would consider the dipping toes into personally as a first but hey to each their own.
  3. Grindhouse Wetware's Circadia is one example of a health data implant. Unfortunately, it's not ready yet.
  4. I didn't think you were still on here Ian lol
  5. @Ian, is there an estimated date for when it can be expected to go out onto the market? Or is that still in flux? 
  6. @Meanderpaul, I recently watched Amal Graafstra's Ted Talk on Biohacking where he talked about his own Rfid chip and I thought it seemed really cool idea. I'm wondering how they work, though, not in terms of getting them implanted, but in terms of set up. Because in his demonstration he already had the chip linked to the demo items he displayed (or I'm assuming he did, anyway) and I'm wondering, technologically, how hard is it to set up? Is it about like syncing a bluetooth, or is it more complicated? Because I know about as much as your average layperson about engineering or IT type stuff (I'm a Poli Sci and Communications Major, lol, so not much help there on this issue)
  7. @Jupiter, I'm a noob, myself. Probably not the best person to ask for advice. If you're interested in browsing, though, I'm pretty sure Dangerous Things,, and Grindhouse Wetware are the three main biohacking product sites... Although, I don't think Grindhouse Wetware has anything for sale online at the moment, other than tee shirts, patches and stickers, unless I'm mistaken (I think most, if not all, of their intended products are still in development, or maybe they only sell to professional implanters? IDK for sure. I've browsed some biohacking sites and such, but I'm still pretty new on the scene). 
  8. So rfid is easy/difficult at the same time. You need a compatible reader/writer. So once you have a reader/writer and the device appropriately hooked up the use is as simply used as waving your hand. There isn't so much a pairing like Bluetooth but you do need to record the chips code to the object you want to manipulate. Reading through this it sounds confusing...ok so rfid just needs to have a reader for you to swipe your hand in front of. You normally have a master key that allows you to add a new code/key (that's basicly what your rfid is) once you do that it's the wave of your hand. It's not like bluetooth.
  9. @Meanderpaul  Ok, so I think I follow. You said the chip has a code... Is it, like, a sort of serial number associated with it that you type in to pair it with the reader? And can you pair it with a new reader once it's implanted, or is it necessary to do that before? I ask because what if the reader breaks/you get a new one/ etc.?
  10. It doesn't truelly pair. It's a pass code unique to that chip. You save that code to the device like a door reader. You now have a "key" to that door. If that door breaks you just save your code again to the new reader. You don't type it in per-say. You can on some systems but normally it's a scan. The thing you need to wrap your head around is that it is NOT BLUETOOTH . They don't have a battery it's powered by the reader. Do you have an android phone? If so do you know what nfc is on that phone? It's the same thing (basicly) only with longer range. Apple pay is NFC and Android pay is NFC. Access cards you tap against black rectangles/squares to open doors are normally RFID. EZ pass is a form of RFID. All รก reader does is read the code or data off of said chip. If you write to it using certain writers you could protect it by default and then you would need that exact same device to unlock it. NOT BLUETOOTH.
  11. Think of it like a magnetic strip on a card. Similar to that more than Bluetooth. Bluetooth compares better to wifi or other wireless communications protocols.
  12. @ArghressivePirate 
    I started with an xNT chip myself after using NFC stickers and an NFC ring for practice. I also picked up an NFC book for practical us and understandable.
  13. @Meanderpaul  You said it scans.... and that's how it recognizes the passcode... it can scan the chip through your hand the first time, then? Or do you set it up before?
  14. It's pre loaded with a code you don't have to do anything to the chip just wire the reader to the thing you want to control. You can set it up before or after doesn't matter because the chip does not change. Have you read anything on RFID at all yet? I would suggest googling RFID cards. Dogs getting micro chipped is the same chip I currently have in my hand. The reader powers the chip with a field of electricity. The chip has a little wire that sends the code (code= random letters and numbers) reader takes that code and checks to see if it matches any saved codes. If it does it will open whatever it's connected to if it doesn't then it will reject and nothing happens.
  15. @trybalwolf @mcstuff I'm tagging out one of you help me explain this please.
    Watch this.

    I'll try to write it out too.
    RFID and NFC readers send out power. Tags use that power to send back data. The simplest version is where the tag just spits back its serial number every time it gets power and that's it. @Jupiter was right on the money with the comparison to a magnetic strip.
    It gets more complicated but for now, that's the important thing to know about RFID.
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