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How safe is a fresh implant when working

Hey guys. I'm planning to go to Hamburg in a few weeks, and was thinking while I'm there I could get an NFC or RFID Implant at the Dangerous Things Partner. But how safe is it to work with a fresh implant?
I work as a mechanic, but it's not as greasy and oily as a car mechanic. Should I worry? I would get it between my thumb and index finger.



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  1. It closes up by itself after a few days. If you can, take a few days off. If you can't wear a good pair of gloves.
  2. i was water tubing and doing construction nearly 24hrs after implanting mine. toss some glue,bandaid,electrical tape on and you should be good. just don't go cranking hard on a wrench and be careful as to how you use you hands. like aeris said it only takes a day or two to close up.
  3. Most people get the implant on their non-dominant hand so it should be safe from excessive strain.
    From my own experience, your biggest challenge is keeping it clean. Toxins, like oil, are bad news but it's about as risky as working with a bad cut. My 2ยข is that you wouldn't need time off. Like Aeris said, wear gloves and like Meanderpaul said, keep supplies handy.
  4. I have been wondering this a bit too. I work in a machine shop so oil is everywhere. I also use both my hands just about equally, and gloves are against OSHA regs. I do cut my hands on occasion though, and band aid with some electrical tape has never been an issue. I might take a couple days off just to be safe.
  5. Gloves are against Osha? That's contrary to what I've been taught. What type of machine shop are you in? Just a side question for my own information with absolutely no relevance. @eggit
  6. Here's the OSHA regulations.

    "Safe work procedures are formal, written instructions which describe how a task is to be performed. These procedures should incorporate appropriate safe work practices, such as prohibiting employees from wearing loose clothing or jewelry and requiring the securing of long hair with nets or caps. Clothing, jewelry, long hair, and even gloves can get entangled in moving machine parts."

    I have worked in machine shops around machines that could hurt you if something were to get caught and pulled into the machine.  Gloves might get caught in the cutting tools or rotating parts and then pull your hand into the machine.  It would happen FAST.

    Maybe just implanting on a Friday night and having the weekend off to heal would be enough with bandaids to keep it covered.  That location probably wouldn't be as likely to get damaged as a finger tip.

  7. I currently work in a machine shop. ^^ Don't wear gloves. Try to give your wound a nice superglue she'll/cap/coating. :3 this has usually been my best choice when repairing and cleaning chainsaws, and if you want to talk about debris or contamination... chainsaws can be some outright messy tools. >~<

     Loctite Ultra is a favorite. ^^
  8. Zerbula, do you have a magnet? How much of a problem are metal shavings and splinters getting attracted to it? I figure I just keep a larger magnet handy and use it to pull them off if needed.

    I bought a non-coated n52 (not implanting don't worry) and wore it under a bandaid for a week to see if it interfered with my work at all and it did not. I still had complete use of my hands and was able to grip things just fine. It was also super handy for picking up small drill bits and things.

    I've seen a glove ripped off someones hand while they were sanding on a lathe, he got super lucky. Once you've seen the picture of the guy split from shoulder to hip with half his body wrapped around a lathe like a spool of yarn you won't wear gloves near one again.
  9. Huh that's wicked. I didn't know that about the gloves. So ya I would definitely not wear any. I'd stick with the tape, bandaid, liquid glue. You shouldn't have any issues with that. I had asbestos insulation at one one point towards the end of mine (we left once we IDed it) healing. They really are very resilient and heal extremely quick. Make sure the hand around the thing is clean and just glue her shut.
  10. Wouldn't worry at all - I just use sterile strips for a day and then leave mine uncovered. Probably frowned against, but I've never had any issues.
  11. Unfortunately, I don't have any magnets yet. ^^'
  12. I know you asked Zerbula, but I'll weigh in too.

    I have a magnet in my left ring finger, and when I work on electronics the cut leads will stick to my magnet. While this is convenient to pick them up, if I leave them attached for more than a few seconds they start to get pretty uncomfortable, despite having basically no weight to them. It's also distracting, as usually I'm not even trying to pick them up, my finger just winds up near them.

    I have a feeling the skin over my magnet might be more sensitive than is normal, however. 
  13. Thank you, @Tekniklr. ^^ Someday Jak won't be useless when it comes to applied application. ;_; lol
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