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New York People out there?

I'm in Brooklyn, anyone else around here? I'd love to meet up and talk shop. I've put together the supplies to start on a bottlenose like device and I have hopes of getting a testing rig up to test the sensitivity of people's response to various stimuli. Any out there?


Displaying all 16 comments
  1. Brooklynite here! Where around the borough are you?
  2. I'm down in brooklyn as well, Flatbush, but I work out in greenpoint a few nights a week.
  3. Hi guys,

    I'm currently in Manhattan but will most likely be in Brooklyn after the summer. I would love to meet other people. 

  4. We should plan a meet up. Maybe a friday early evening one day.
  5. Bump.

    Anyone else interested in NYC meetup?
  6. I would be very interested.
  7. Well, I'm near Trenton in New Jersey most of the year, but could feasibly take a train one day. Would be cool to meet up one day.
  8. Tomorrow I'll be finding out my work schedule going forward. Is there a day that works for you all? I know sundays will be good for me, and most evenings should be good as well.
  9. Getting to NYC is pretty easy from Boston via bus, so I could hopefully make an NYC meetup happen :)
  10. Any weekend starting from next week to May-ish would be good for me. Once the semester's out, getting up there would be harder but still doable. 
  11. How does Saturday, April 29 work for people?

  12. That wouldn't work for me :(
    What about the 8th or the 15th?

  13. 15 April would be best of those two. How about for the rest of people? 

    Is a month enough time?
  14. That's probably a good day for me. Where would this take place?

  15. Anybody else what to follow up on this? I am still down but not exactly in a position to plan such an event

    I also didn't realize that the 15th is the day before Easter. I could still do either day though the 8th would probably be better.
  16. Just joined the forum, but im a dev who's interested in this and im located in the Manhattan/Long Island area.
Displaying all 16 comments