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Getting the magnet statistics

Just for personal interest and having seen multiple chat entries about the interest in finding the statistics; i figured that i would collect some data. this thread is meant for the collection of data concerning the ratio of a magnet implants staying iside, versus the amount of implants coming out at a later point.

If you have a magnet or have tried to implant one then please post on this thread.

y/n if you have one in currently then next to it how many tries it took to get it in or before you just gave up. then if you want to add what finger it was in i.e. LP is left pinkie or RMF is Right middle finger. (for a full finger list see below) then lastly if you have more than one the last number would show that.

In the end it should look something like this    [y;2;RRF; 4]

the collected data will be posted periodically (if any).

Left Hand:
LP - left pinkie
LRF - left ring finger
LMF - left middle finger
LPF - left pointer finger
LT - left thumb

(Replace L with R for the right hand.)



Displaying all 4 comments
  1. This has been done; there's a GDocs spreadsheet around here somewhere. IIRC, the longest successful implants documented so far ar in the 2-3 year range.
  2. what factors are involved with making them last longer? I'd think most are removed because of infection or people knocking them and breaking them.
  3. Made by BCIuser
  4. Thank you for the link.
Displaying all 4 comments