Ideas on powered implants.

The holy grail right now for implantable tech is a way for us to power it. Lipo can explode... batteries have short lifetime in general and anything that stores energy is intrinsically dangerous. My Suggestion, and let me know if someone has already thought of this, would be to have a couple of transdermal posts to provide power.

Get an dot matrix display in your arm with a wristwatch sized battery through two transdermals powering the thing just above the wrist. 


  • discussion so far:

    long story short: if you attach something externally you are better of using inductive powering. No reason to use dangerous transdermal ports when you can get the job done without them.
  • I saw that just after I posted. Micro pores. Of course! regardless a lipo with an inductive coil on a watch band wouldn't be too horrible either.
  • Btw Genghis, You really cannot  power an led dot display via watch battery. I won't get really deep into it here, but it becomes a matter of power consumption. A digital watch may consume on the order of a few microamps, While even the smallest led display takes at LEAST tens of milliamps, so close to 10,000 times the power consumption. Not to say the battery can't do it, just that it won't last more than a day or so of normal use.
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