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Any UK people?

As the subject says - anyone here based in the UK? I'm in North Wales and would love to organise a meetup with some fellow grinders and possibly work on a project in person.


Displaying all 22 comments
  1. Hi I'm living in Conwy on a yacht! I've got some great projects off the ground including electric bikes made from soldered laptop batterys. I'm always up for meets and projects as I only work part time.
  2. Nice to see another north wales person here :)

    What are your biohacking-specific interests?
  3. I like to travel light, passport, visa card, shorts, toothbrush toothpaste. So a simple chip would get rid of the passport and visa card. (that's my first desire).

    Secondly a stillsuit (dune) able to collect perspiration, urine, sea water and filter it for reconsumption. The suit would also be sealskin (not from a seal) It's a material that stays dry. They make socks and gloves but really need to make tryathlon wear.

    I follow everything science and tec and I can't wait for oculus rift. Me and my m8 have been messing round with google cardboard. Wales is beautiful, I'm doing all the stuff I should have been doing at 20. a second life is nice round here, I want to go Bodelwyddan surfing, just waiting for my lifeguard qualification back again.
  4. London sounding in. 
  5. I'm in Redhill, Surrey. Got an nXT implant and working on some electronics stuff to go with it.
  6. I'm from London 
  7. London here. Any meetups you guys go to currently?
  8. oxford here but i travel all over

  9. Plymouth checking in. But, God, I'm far away from everyone else.
  10. I'm based in London. 
  11. I'm based in Scotland
  12. New guy from Cardiff, checking in.
  13. London here also. Checking in.
    Interested in AR, VR and in-body technology and their potential impact on society and culture. 
  14. Brighton, reporting in I've ordered a xNTi kit and am having a friend help me with implanting it as soon as it arrives
  15. Are any of you going to the Biohacker Summit on May 21 in London?

    Would you report back on it if so? I'd love to see more cross chatter on the different conferences as well as the local groups. 
  16. I don't know, that ticket price tag is more than a little expensive. I've applied as a volunteer though, so here's hoping
  17. Hi UK People,

    I'm a UK based filmmaker currently exploring biohacking projects. I'd be really keen to speak to some of you about your experiences or planned projects to get a better idea of what's happening and what's possible. If anyone's up for chatting, do please get in touch! Thanks 

  18. hey, Plymouth too!
  19. somerset here
  20. I'm in Cambridge a couple months every year
  21. South East here
  22. I'm in the midlands and just getting into the subject area

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