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Why do my fingertip magnets keep rejecting?

Why do my fingertip magnet implants keep rejecting?
I use a #11 scalpel to make the first incision and then to make the pocket deep enough under the skin. I know my first one was botched. I didn't make the pocket deep enough. With the magnet in, the wound wouldnt close on it's own and I didn't have my suture kit yet, not that it would have made a difference. Rejected in about 6 days.

The second time, I made the first incision perfect. Perfect pocket, magnet slipped right in and wound would fully close on its own but added a suture and surgeons knot anyway.

So the suture fell out at about day 7, looked like it was healing nice.

Fast foward, day 15: A small hole appeared right in the middle of where the initial incision was, about 2mm long. At a certain angle I can see the gold of the magnet. (Steve Haeworth magnet)

From what I hear, even though the hole is only 2mm and the magnet 3mm, the skin will not grow over the magnet and keep it from rejecting, correct?

Also there was some discharge from this hole. I think the silicone on the magnet may have been compromised from the original insertion/removal. The discharge was yellow, no blood, watery, no lumps.

How can I keep the magnet from migrating towards the incision points? Obviously the edge of the magnet is pressing against a wound thats trying to heal and my line of work (mechanic) doesn't help at all.

Am I just not cut out for a magnet implant?


Displaying all 7 comments
  1. Based on your name, do you play the guitar a lot?
  2. Well, you can certainly get a magnet implant, but picking a location that won't be exposed to the same wear and tear that your initial locations had to go through probably would help. Do you use gloves?
  3. No, used to play the guitar alot. 

    And yes I use gloves
  4. Let's rephrase the question. How much time did you take off from playing when you got your implant
  5. I haven't played in years
  6. Did you take any time off of work after you implanted? 
  7. Silicone may be giving you issues. The smaller m31s are just as sensitive and not as bulky. However, I have noticed form other threads that there seems to be a decrease in accessibility. Also, you basically work with you hands as a mechanic. While taking time off of work seems a bit excessive, you need to be really careful with you healing time. This means keeping that finger safe and dry, as well as not using it for a while.

    Once you can see your magnet, it's best to to pull it and give it another shot later after healing. Watery discharge makes me think infection...
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