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  • Avvin wrote: I've also been able to diagnose an electrical problem with something based on the fact that one leg of the 220v power felt like it was being undervolted. I could just tell, you know? Cool! Be careful with this one though -- you can't feel voltage with the magnet, just current. A line might be very hot, but if…
  • Keep us posted! I'm an EE student, and don't have a lot of experience yet, but I will be testing different coil configurations in the coming weeks. Unfortunately, my schedule is really tight 'cause I'm working full time and taking classes...
  • Anybody play with Xamarin before? It's a cross platform dev platform that you can create iOS and Android apps with (among other platforms). I love C# so far, but I'm just getting started with it. Xamarin was created by the guys who built mono, and much of the Gnome desktop. I just ordered a "bluno nano," an arduino nano…
  • Have you guys tried using an induction coil as a sensor, to detect magnet movement near the coil? I was thinking it might be possible to acquire user input doing something like this, though it would have to be pretty sensitive to pick up the tiny signal from implant magnets, and obviously there would need to be some kind…
  • Nerves can take a long time to heal. I've read that some people develop more sensation at around 6 months. I've had mine less than one month. I can feel my microwave three or four inches away from the control panel, and I can feel my laptop power brick from an inch or two away, but not much sensation beyond that. I can't…