Code of Ethics for Human Augmentation - FINAL REVIEW

edited January 2020 in Announcements

I am putting the word out that the final draft is ready for review. We are having a last open session on Friday. I am sending this to all the grinders on all the channels, if you care to join please find the conference info below. I can also add you to the event if you prefer a calendar invite (that usually works better for me).
The latest draft can be found here:
Once published, there will be a way to submit suggestions for the annual review. There will be a basic website to house the Code and provide links to community resources (like standards and guidelines, other orgs etc).

HAI - Code of Ethics for Human Augmentation
Friday, January 17⋅6:00 – 7:00pm (Eastern, US)
Join Hangouts Meet
Join by phone
+1 385-645-6740 PIN: 657 120 323#

[edit: links]

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