Kaimo Beta - The App To Transform Personal Health

Hello everyone,

My name is Chris, and I have been hard at work for the last six months building Kaimo - an application that makes it easy to try out new things, keep track of how you feel, and analyze the impact of those changes on your wellbeing.

Here’s how Kaimo works:

  • Choose something you’d like to test (e.g. no dairy, keto diet, supplements, fasting, melatonin, etc.)
  • Track what you care about (e.g. abdominal pain, energy, mood, body weight, focus, etc.)
  • Visualize your personal data and discover health insights

The app is in an early-stage beta, closed beta. We’re reaching out to you because we think that Kaimo is an ideal tool for biohackers to track data on their self-experimentation and figure out what works best.

We will take your feedback very seriously and work hard to make Kaimo the perfect platform for you.

You can sign-up for the Kaimo Beta here → https://beta.kaimoapp.com


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