Grindfest02 Outcomes: Community Goals

edited April 2016 in Community
At Grindfest 02 the group talked about goals for the community. Outcomes - 1. We should have them. 2. We should meet every 6 months about them and 3. Spring 2016 goals were set.
Spring 2016 Goals  - Themes of “Supportive not competitive” and "More tangible results"

Goal 1: Write your shit down and share it
Write your shit down. Share it in a blog, on, in Slack, wherever. Get the habit going.
Project: Common writing standard, Project: Biohacking journal

Goal 2: site overhaul
Site needs an overhaul, the work should be done by the community to ensure there isn't a large burden placed on one person

Goal 3: Start Local Groups
Everyone should do it and report what works

Goal 4: Resources Directory - who can do what  

Full goals doc - sign up or add info!
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